Sat Nov 15, 2008

Health Group- Year 5, week 23

Well, here we are a couple weeks into our sugar purge. How are you doing? It’s been pretty good for me. I’d say I feel better. More energy. Cravings aren’t too bad, and I’ve lost a couple pounds. I exercised a few times.

Yesterday, I squeezed myself into a cute pair of jeans that were a smidge too small when I bought them a few weeks ago. It’s interesting to see how many things I HAVEN’T eaten that I would’ve. That’s a lot of calories when you add them up.

Something else interesting, I knew that getting a really good breakfast was imperative to success when beginning this sugar fast, and for the first week + it really was. Now my appetite has severely decreased, so I’m finding I’m not eating breakfast ’til almost lunch time the past few days with no ill effects. I’m not sure that’s a good thing as far as breakfast goes, but it’s been interesting. I’m not snacking at all and my portion sizes are frequently smaller.

And the exciting news? I bought the elliptical, the one I’ve wanted for years, off craigslist yesterday. I’ve seen them on craigslist a lot, but they’re usually not much below retail. This one was amazingly cheap and I did everything I could to get down there and put cash in their hands before someone else bought it.

I’m thrilled. I love this machine. We’re trying to make arrangements to pick it up today. I seriously can’t even express how happy I am.

Well, my wedding ring is still gone, but aside from that, I’m extremely happy today.

5 Responses to “Health Group- Year 5, week 23”

  1. Laura Says:

    GOOD JOB MOM!!!!


  2. Katie- The Knitting Mama Says:

    Wow – Good for you! I do not have the confidence for an entire sugar purge, but I have been pretty good this week. I resisted the offer of donuts at a meeting (of course I had to firmly tell myself during the entire meeting that I didn’t need one.) I also was a vendor at a craft sale yesterday and resisted the urge to buy stuff at the bake sale (until they came around and gifted us the leftovers…) Well, anyway… I’m writing everything down, and I’m staying within my points this week which is an improvement. This coming week is going to be tough because Phil is gone on a business trip until Friday and I’m a bit worried about bored/stressed/emotional eating. I’ve stocked up on low point snacks and treats in case I need them, and have low point dinners planned for the kids and myself.

  3. Gayle Says:

    Hey La! Congratulations on The Elliptical! I know you’ve wanted one for a long time! That’s awesome!
    I haven’t updated in a long, long time! I’ve been losing weight. Down a bunch. Going shopping tonight for new pants as everything I have is falling off me!
    Cutting sugar will definitely help. GO FOR IT!

  4. Annie Says:

    I love to hear that you are acomplishing your goals. Loosing weight is difficult and emotionally exausting sometimes. It’s a good sign when your body isnt craving as much food. Don’t be affraid to skip Breakfast. Some people will disagree with me, but if you aren’t hungry, don’t eat. And when you do get an appetite, have something small and nutritionally satisfing. then wait about 5 mins (start a project) and see if that satisfies you for a few more hours. Thats kinda how i lost 25 lbs this year.. I did excercise, but I think that did toning – although muscle does eat fat too . There’s nothing like fitting into your fav jeans again and having 20x more energy in the day. Keep it up! Hope you love your eliptical!

  5. susan Says:

    I love that Liv posted encouragement. 🙂 And congrats on finding an elliptical machine for cheap!!

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