Fri Nov 26, 2004

Lazy Friday

I just woke up! How nice!

Thank you to Carrie, who happens to be done with her Hayden, for reminding me that today is knit-along day. I’m so groggy, and out of routine because of the holiday, that I completely forgot. SO, its another Hayden-along day… How’s it going out there, Hayden-alongers? In addition to Carrie, Lisa Prit, Malle, and MA are done with theirs. Great job, ladies!

I’m impressed with how quickly you ladies are finishing your hats! Good job!

I myself haven’t done another yet. I have the colors picked, but I’ve been jumping around a bit on projects this week, and the hat isn’t one of them. Maybe I’ll take it to knitting group tonight.

In other news, wanna see what I did yesterday morning?


Mmmm, gingerbread. (Nate decorated the one wearing a tie).

No Responses to “Lazy Friday”

  1. FYRKRKR Says:

    They’re adorable! And speaking from past experience – delicious, too! I wish I was in town to snag a few!

  2. hayden Says:

    hi! i’m glad to see you had such a good thanksgiving. and those cookies! wow! never, ever, would i have the patience to decorate like that.
    we did go to sequim; we arrived a little after 12 and left around 1. a bit different than i thought it would be; when did you get there? and i do remember the mooses. they were cute! hee; moose! i bought some spray stuff instead; smells great and it’s safe for everything. including the dog.
    i won’t be at any of the knit-ups this week, but i’m optimistic about next week!
    how’s the sweater for yourself? and your mom’s sweater; all seamed?
    and i know i haven’t ever commented, but i think it’s great, that you’ve got a plan and you’ve been sticking with it. congrats on losing the weight and being focused on losing more. my mom’s going that too.

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