Fri Dec 3, 2004

Still sick, not resting

I didn’t do any knitting yesterday. I cleaned the fish tank, cleaned other things, made meals…. the usual stuff. Plus, I worked with Abner


most of the day, trying to get him fully integrated into, and behaving in, the house. Working towards the day when he can wander freely. Today, I think I’m going to sit and knit, I mean rest.

Last night, my friend Celeste and I went to the mall to buy a dress for her daughter. ( I already told you I wasn’t resting). I saw the most ridiculous thing, it was a poncho (Jessica) made entirely of organza. What the heck? That is going to serve no purpose, whatsoever except to look trendy. I guess that’s the point of “accessories”, but it looked so weird. I don’t think I would have noticed it, but one of my favorite bloggers has been making fun of ponchos for awhile now, and I always harass her about it, so I thought it was only fair to say that last night, I saw what she was talking about. This doesn’t change the fact that I love a good poncho. The fad has just gotten out of control. (I am also a hypocrite, because I think that organza wraps are totally cool).

I was thinking about mom’s sweater yesterday. Remember? You haven’t heard about it in awhile, have you? Well, it has sleeves now, and one side of the sweater is seamed. It looks nice. It has been hanging in my coat closet, waiting to be finished since mid November. I was thinking, yesterday, about why it’s still there. This is out of character for me. I’m a finisher.

Fear. That’s right. I’m afraid it isn’t going to fit her well, and I’m delaying. I need to get over it. So today, I’m planning on seaming the sweater and working more on the lovely mohair peony for the Flowerswap. Wish me luck.

UPDATE- Yikes! I forgot, it’s Hayden along day. I’ve been really enjoying your Haydens. Keep ’em coming. How are you doing with them, knitalongers? Since last week, Malle has finished another one, and Jenika finished hers! Great job! Hayden is working on her Hayden. Hehe. And Maddie posted about finishing hers, but I haven’t seen any PICTURES yet. Hint, hint.

9 Responses to “Still sick, not resting”

  1. jena Says:

    Haven’t gotten any further than a swatch so far, but just wanted to let you know that my first taste of the Hayden pattern has been lovely! 🙂

  2. Laura Says:

    I like your colors, jena, they’re pretty.

  3. LeAnne Says:

    What a cute doggie! He looks really sweet. I’ll bet he loves your girls, too.

  4. Vampy Says:

    I haven’t been reading your blog long, so I am curious to know more about your doggy 🙂 Is he young? How are you intergrating him into the household?

    I am a knitter who aspires to be an animal behaviourist 😀 So don’t mind my prying, I just love to pounce whenever I think there is an opportunity to offer advice with pets… especially adorable dogs!! 🙂

  5. Jenny Says:

    Remember your ever present ‘rainbow’, Laura!! You’ll do great on your mom’s sweater, and I’m sure it will fit her just fine! Right now, the only thing I can remember not turning out for you was some piece of clothing you were winging for a “Best Friends Doll”, so have positive thoughts!! Thanks for the photo of Abner, he’s a sweetie!

  6. Renee Says:

    Such a sweet puppy face! That’s a great picture.

  7. ann Says:

    You forgot about me! or maybe my lack of technological skills has come between us! I (thought) I sent a trackback ping….earlier this week I posted a picture of my Hayden progress. I love this pattern, have been working on it in public and it is receiving [em>rave[/em> reviews! thank you so much for creating it!

  8. FYRKRKR Says:

    That is a great shot of Abner! He is such a sweet boy! So now we have seen both Jeckyl and Hyde.

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