Thu Jan 15, 2009

It’s purple, alright

Still wet, but really pretty. I made the alpaca lighter on purpose. There’s more dye if needed, to darken it. Here’s a mediocre picture of my drying rack under fluorescent lights.

What colors would you add for tweed? I have some blues. Greens could also be nice. Multiple colors?

3 Responses to “It’s purple, alright”

  1. annie Says:

    wow really pretty! I’m not going to suggest a color for you. I think you are the artist. You should make the call 🙂 le artiste wi da rack

  2. Laura Says:

    Ha. ha.

  3. Stephanie Says:

    It looks beautiful!!! As for the tweed…it depends on how much of a contrast you want. Blues would be great and blend in some, same with green depending on how deep you make it. Burgundy and pinks look great with purple as do browns. So….I guess the question is really how much do you want to tweedy bits to stand out from the gorgeous purple?

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