Sun Dec 5, 2004

Monday, Monday…

Good morning. I am very excited to tell you what I did yesterday.

I finished mom’s sweater.

That’s right. Finished. Done. Completed. All the way. Absolutely. DONE!!! The sun isn’t up yet, so I don’t have a picture for you, but it is done. It is seamed. Ends are woven in. It is blocked. It is done. I am both thrilled and nervous. Fortunately, I am confident in my ability to alter if necessary, but I am hoping it doesn’t come to that.

I am still mildly sick. This is because I still haven’t taken a day to rest yet. I’ve been busy. I had a wonderful, two hour nap yesterday, and I’m sure that was beneficial, but I have not yet spent a day in bed. Grrr. Today is probably not going to be the day. I’m feeling restless. There are things I want to do today. Plus… it’s laundry day. That never equates to a day of rest. Oh well. On the plus side, I feel a little better. Does that count?

I didn’t get to work on the mohair flower over the weekend. My sweet neighbor, upon examining my progress thus far, asked if I was worried that it would end up looking like a big ball of fuzz, instead of a flower. I’m choosing to ignore what that question implies. I tried to explain myself and my flower, but the kids were making such a racket, I didn’t want to have to yell my response, so it was just left at that. I know she’s going to be reading this though, so I guess I can answer here.

“Yes, actually. I am mildly concerned that the hours and hours spent on this project will amount to nothing more than a very large tribble. This is why I have decided to make the greenery out of some left over dark green Lamb’s Pride, instead of the green mohair I bought. The thought being that the contrast in texture will greatly help. If this doesn’t work, I will change gears and make a plain, five petal flower out of garter stitch, which will eliminate the curling ends, and call it good. I believe that will look nice, I was simply trying to be creative by attempting a peony with the curling petals.”

There it is. And I didn’t even have to shout.

Did I mention mom’s sweater is done?

No Responses to “Monday, Monday…”

  1. Julie Says:

    Oh, no! Now I don’t feel so “sweet”, but like a giant jack_ _ _ for insulting your creative efforts. I far too frequently forget that sometimes my efforts at teasing don’t go over so well. Sorry, Laura!

    Signed, Your lame neighbor, Julie

  2. Laura Says:

    No worries! I thought it was funny.

  3. FYRKRKR Says:

    Congratulations! I am excited to see the finished product! Don’t be nervous, you are amazing and your craft is outstanding. I can sit here all day and say, “It’ll be fine. It’ll be great!” Because we all know it will be and you’ll still wait with nervous anticipation until you actually see your Mom in that gorgeous blue merciless cotton sweater and see how outrageously fantastic it is and then, finally you’ll approve and be satisfied. So all I have to say is, “Worry is interest paid on debts not yet due.”

    As for the flower, I have to come see what this is all about! I have patterns for making flowers and insects out of ribbbon and cloth for decoration; have never done one out of yarn. Very interesting…tribbles, eh? Kinda cute! Although, I think the peony sounds prettier.

  4. Suzy Says:

    LOL! A tribble…I needed a laugh 🙂 I’m sure it will be divine compared to a tribble!

    Sorry to hear you’re still UTW…terrible time of year to be feeling rotten. A day of rest…Mother of three….well, I guess we can dream 🙂

    Can’t wait to see the sweater!

    Off to finish my second Hayden 🙂

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