Sat Feb 7, 2009

Health Group- Year 5, week 35

I don’t know what’s going on. My appetite is crashing through the floor. I didn’t eat a lot this week AT ALL. I had a big lunch on Thursday, and that’s about all I ate for the day. Yesterday was the worst, I was over 1000 calories below my target. Monday thru Wednesday I was about 500 calories below target, meaning I netted around 1000 calories (and burned off the others through exercise). So while I’m down 4 pounds this morning from yesterday morning, it’s probably because I didn’t eat yesterday. Yesterday morning, I was the same weight as I ever am, and my measurements haven’t changed a bit. However my wedding ring is falling off, and that’s inconvenient. My fingers weren’t fat.

For some reason, the weight not changing doesn’t bother me. I expect that. My measurements not changing, my clothes not getting looser is REALLY TICKING ME OFF!!!

I did an hour on the elliptical on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. I’m going to try to make up Thursday’s hour today.

So I’m thinking that I need to eat more. My metabolism must be shutting down. That’s the only thing I can think of. I don’t really know how to do it, though, and it kind of scares me. It feels so counterintuitive. I’m trying to LOSE weight. Force feeding myself seems wrong. So I’ll be thinking about that today.

How was your week?

My silk dyeing went well. I’m excited to show you on Monday.

One Response to “Health Group- Year 5, week 35”

  1. Suzanne Says:

    Congratulations on your amazing commitment to exercising on your elliptical. An hour is a long time and I know I am no where near that level of endurance. Good for you!! It does sound like eating more is the answer. Maybe thinking of it in terms of healthy, nutrient-rich food would make it less scary?

    On Tuesday, I hit a total of 32 pounds loss! Yea! Later in the week the scale crept back up a bit. I have not been as committed to what I am eating and moving. I need to re-commit!!

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