Tue Feb 10, 2009

Here she is!

I wasn’t able to wander around to find the best light, so hopefully, these pictures show how incredibly cute she is.

And it’s all my own washed and dyed wool! She’s even wearing a Tweedy Batt!

She was extremely fun to make (aside from the green cloth for her dress, which took forever and was pretty boring), and I’m looking forward to doing more. I have some grand ideas.

Clark’s sock is done and he’s wearing them both. I’ll have opportunity to knit on the pink mitt tonight at 2 music concerts at the elementary school.

I am going to be running ’til 8:30 tonight without a break, starting in about 10 minutes. I’m tired just thinking about it.

5 Responses to “Here she is!”

  1. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    That gnome is adorable! I wouldn’t even know how to start something like that! I’ve done felted flat-work, like on a canvas of felt or a knitted background… but the whole 3-dimensional thing boggles me!

  2. sue Says:

    It seems you have another wonderful talent. She is very cute.

  3. Stephanie Says:

    ACK! Such cuteness!!!!!! I *have* to make one. I have only done limited needle felting. This is the most awesome thing I have seen in a long time.

  4. Jean-Anne Says:

    Tres cute!!!

  5. annie Says:

    cute 🙂

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