Tue Dec 14, 2004

What happens when a young girl has a camera on a dark day?


That’s me and my scarf.

There were multiple factors contributing to the less than ideal pictures that were taken yesterday. The first is that a five year old can’t really hold a camera still while the shutter is open. Second, on a darkish, gray day, if you get a lot of sky in the shot, everything else will be significantly underexposed. Third, it was raining.

On the plus side, Olivia had a grand ol’ time taking my picture, and it was extremely cute running back to the computer with her so she could see what she had done. She’s very proud, and I’m proud of her. Thanks, girl.

It looks like another knit-along is in the works. I’ve had quite a bit of interest in the afghan I linked awhile ago. It’s gorgeous, isn’t it? Sometime after the first of the year, I’m going to start it. I will probably offer to host a knit-along, if there continues to be interest. Right now, I’m keeping an eye out for yarn. Gayle found a site, and I can’t remember it at the moment, that recommended Peace Fleece. Has anyone knit with it? Would it make a soft, snuggly blanket? They have some groovy colors, and the price is very nice.

8 Responses to “What happens when a young girl has a camera on a dark day?”

  1. Janell Says:

    One of my fellow Purlygirls used some Peace Fleece to make a cardi. She ended having to wash her hands a lot because it is very raw material. Raw-meaning, straight from the sheep to the spinning wheel. They don’t wash the yarn very much and it is really dirty. However, it works up beautifully and once you wash the garment in the machine, it is like heaven.

  2. hayden Says:

    hee, Olivia takes pictures with the same care and quality as me.
    (wait…i think she actually took a better one.)

  3. FYRKRKR Says:

    Your scarf is beautiful. If we are fortunate enough to get snow this year, you ought to have Miss O take another pic of your scarf while it is snowing, with you in your rust jacket that picks up that color in your scarf. Perhaps she could win a photo contest or something!!

    The website is nakedsheep.com – under the “dog/blankets” patterns button, then more “blankets/afghans” to see their list of recommended yarns.

  4. beth Says:

    love the scarf- how lucky to have a personal photographer at home!
    have read your blog for awhile- but havent stopped to comment- so HI!
    PF- made the Everyday Cardi with it- it is very scratchy- and HEAVY. After washing it felt lovely but I ended up frogging it because it just looked BAD on me. I dont think it would make a great afghan – too warm and a bit too scratchy. the colors are HEAVEN though and perhaps their lighter weight yarn would be good.(how flaky was that!)
    the afghan is pretty – I may have to join your knit-a-long!
    thanks for your blog!

  5. mindy Says:

    I have knitted a sweater with it as well. Very beautiful but almost straight from the sheep. Warm, yes. Snuggly, no.
    A great company with a great cause but I stick to using them for cardigans.
    Good Luck!

  6. Donna Says:

    Congratulations-your scarf looks great Laura! I seem to have bitten off too much in terms of making presents for Christmas. I am frantically trying to finish a scarf and sock that need to be mailed back east this weekend. So my Hayden hat sits on the back burner until after Christmas. 🙂 I would be defnitely be interested in making the afghan in the new year. I haven’t worked with Peace Fleece but another suggestion is Cascade 220. One of my WIP is the knitty chic cardigan in Cascade 220. I love the feel of this yarn. It might make a nice afghan.

  7. Laura Says:

    Thanks for the info. The pattern calls for heavy worsted weight. I find that a difficult weight of yarn to locate. Gayle and I have ordered Peace Fleece color cards, and she ordered a couple mini skeins, so we’ll see how it is in a few weeks.

  8. Emily Says:

    Peace Fleece would make a warm and sturdy blanket but not a soft and snuggly one.

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