Wed Dec 15, 2004

I’m pretty pathetic

I didn’t knit a stitch yesterday, so first thing this morning, I sat down and started a new flower.


I am taking it with me to a birthday party soon, and I intend to get more done while surrounded by wild, birthday monkeys.

Abby lost her first tooth last night.


The tooth fairy, who in this case, was male, was generous. Abby woke up to a $5 bill. Now, I admit that a quarter doesn’t really amount to much, you can’t even make a phone call with one anymore, but $5? She scored. Nate says that it’s extra special, because it’s the first.

The list of sweaters I want to knit for myself is growing. After seeing Jessica knit the Big Sack sweater from S&B, I gave it a second look. I think I want one. I also want the Hoodie from the same book, and the Ribby Cardi. I need yarn.

2 Responses to “I’m pretty pathetic”

  1. FYRKRKR Says:

    Way to go Abigail!!! That came out rather fast! It didn’t even look loose enough to yank when I saw you Tuesday! Good score on the Tooth Fairy, too!

  2. Stephanie Says:

    Congrats on the lost tooth! Wow – a very generous toothfairy – the one who visits our house generally brings “Golden Dollars” – you know, the dollar coins. They have been very well received for eight teeth so far. He thinks they are super-cool because they’re so different!

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