Wed Mar 25, 2009


The older two girls are going on an overnight field trip tomorrow. It’s supposed to be cold, wet, muddy, etc and I need to round up some rain gear for them today. I’m not excited about that. I don’t really know where to look. Joe’s? Fred Meyer? Army Surplus? I also need to get two sleeping bag pads to protect them from the floor they’ll be sleeping on, and a couple flashlights.

I’m craving dried apricots. The dry ones, not the gooey, sticky ones they sell at Costco.

I’ve decided that I need to knit a tea cozy. A drink I’ve found that doesn’t irritate my stomach or gross me out (for now) is diluted Wild Raspberry tea (Stash). I put three bags in a 5 cup pot, and it’s typically cold by the time I get to the 3rd cup. Do tea cozies really keep tea warmer? I’m assuming they do. I’ve always wanted to try smocking stitch, so I’m thinking about working up something which means I’ll undoubtedly have to rip and redo a few times.

Yesterday, I felt ok, ’til I had a glass of Hawaiian Punch. I was really sick almost immediately. Is it the sugar? I’m noticing that junk food makes me worse, and surprisingly, beans calm my stomach significantly. So I’m trying to figure out how to eat beans on a daily basis without having to eat chili every day. The day I ate microwave popcorn (eww) and a can of Nalley Chili, I felt really good. How weird is that?

I’m taking notes so I can learn what to eat and how to survive these next several months.
-Bananas have been good.
-As have almonds.
-Soft bean burrito at Taco Time? Good.
-Girl Scout Cookies? Not so good.
-Canned peaches? Not good, but I’m not giving up on those quite yet. They taste so nice.
-Cadbury Creme Egg? (Dang, I love those things. They gross Nate out). Didn’t make me sick, but I had a headache this morning, and I’m guessing that’s why. It was the last think I ate yesterday.
-My soymilk/berry/protein powder shakes seem to be neutral. I don’t feel good, but it’s not miserable, either. I’d like to find a more pleasant alternative. Having experienced happy tummy after eating beans, I’m wanting more of that type of reaction.

That’s as far as I’ve got in my sleuthing so far.

6 Responses to “Procrastination”

  1. Natasha A. Says:

    My friend at eggs every day during her pregnancy cause it was all she could do. And she craved and scarfed as much meat as she could.
    Congrats again! So very cool 😀

  2. annie Says:

    oooo eggs made me ill during my pregnancy (i will spare you the details as to why) but I can relate to the dried fruit thingy. I was all about dried cherries. with a glass of chocolate milk and a glass of orange juice. but my strange cravings didn’t start till the third trimester. looks like you’ve got some time to go till you’re back to normal! hang in there!

  3. susan Says:

    I highly recommend plain cheerios, eaten dry. Also, sliced apples. (Apparently apples washed down with a bit of milk have the added benefit of helping with heartburn, according to a friend’s doc.)

  4. susan Says:

    Oh, also toasted rye bread with peanut butter. Regular wheat bread smelled odd to me for almost a month, but rye bread was delicious.

  5. Jen Says:

    For me, the first trimester was about STEAK. I used to try to explain to Spen that the baby NEEDED steak, and he would explain that the baby had never had steak, didn’t have food preferences, blah blah. Whatever. It had to be steak, not hamburger.

  6. JudithNYC Says:

    I believe the problem with Hawaiian punch might not be the sugar but all the nasty chemicals. Have you tried ginger tea? It’s supposed to help with the tummy problems. You can make it as strong or diluted as you want. You can also add a few mint leaves. If you want you can just boil a piece of ginger instead of using tea bags. Much cheaper.

    I don’t know any other food I can recommend as I threw up every single thing I ate, except cold sugary drinks. I don’t know how I was able to grow 14 pounds of twins.

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