Sat Dec 18, 2004

Health Group- week 28

Good morning! I did better this week!

Monday, I did weights and 50 minutes of treadmill.
Tuesday and Wednesday, I did treadmill.

That’s it for exercise, but I’m still happy with it. I hope to do better next week. I’ve been eating too much gingerbread and skipping meals. There’s definitely room for improvement there.

I’m a little distracted right now, as we have a friend over to look at our roof, which has been leaking for many months, and we’ve just been told that our sub-roofing, on more than half of our house, is molding. As in, we are completely screwed. I’m not very happy right now.

Are any of you successfully avoiding the dietary pitfalls of this time of year?

2 Responses to “Health Group- week 28”

  1. LeAnne Says:

    No. Since my 10 year old daughter is baking a ton this year (new pasttime) I am eating more baked goods than normal! I think it’s important to give yourself a break at this time of year and not beat yourself up about eating the extra treats.

  2. FYRKRKR Says:

    I finally have some good news to report! And seeing that it’s the week before Christmas, I am especially happy! I have been working like crazy around the house and every muscle in my body aches! That means that somewhere in there, there is some muscle, somewhere!

    Ok, enough of the bad humor. I started tracking my water consumption and I have tripled my daily dosage and my body seems to be craving it! 2 weeks ago I was drinking soda pop like it was the elixer of life. So, I devised a plan and put the supply out in our storage shed. The weather is just discouraging enough to not want to trudge out there to get any, so I am being “lazy” and drinking water. My self-trickery has succeeded!!!

    Lastly, I went to a friends holiday party last night; which was a dessert buffet. I had a sensible dinner before I went so I wasn’t starving, because I know what an amazing cook Mary is. I would be “doomed” to all kinds of unbelievable scrumptious treats of every sort and totally scarf (ha ha) if I didn’t. I was very good! I did sample several things, but made a full circle around all the grazing stations (or took a plate for that matter) and only had seconds on a few special items. Mary’s Mother had made Angel Kisses, which I have always loved – a childhood favorite – which I haven’t had since my Grammy passed on many years ago. They were HEAVENLY!!! I had an incredibly great time and left with a bit of personal pride, not that “oh, I ate too much” pain in the gut.

    I haven’t weighed in and I don’t think I will this week. I am basing this week’s success on “enjoying” but “with reason” not “gluttony” which means I am going to eat things I want without an ounce of guilt and if I gain an ounce (or a pound) I careth not.

    Merry Christmas to all!

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