Thu Apr 16, 2009

8 months!

I realized yesterday that it’s been 8 months since I bought my latest Romney fleece. I’ve only washed 3 of them. I have 2 left. Crap! I’m hoping it isn’t too late. I checked them out last night and the gray seemed fine still, but the white one felt a little stiff. I think I’m going to try to wash some today. I shouldn’t. I need to rest and yesterday was NOT restful.

Tuesday, I had a little energy and used it to get some housework done. I really needed to catch up on rest yesterday, but the girls forgot to take something necessary to school and I had to deliver it. Since I was going out of the house anyway, and Clark was dying to get “out” after being cooped up a week, we made a trip to JoAnn’s to buy some beads. We got home, ate, and were about to take naps when the phone rang. Olivia was sick and needed to be picked up. So we loaded up and headed out to the school again. Came back, got settled, and were resting about 45 minutes when I heard Olivia crying from her room that her ears hurt.

I called the doctor right away to see if we could get in so she could get medicine started, because I know from experience that ear infections are utterly miserable and extremely painful and take awhile to get better. So I woke up Clark from his nap and loaded up in the car and rushed to the doctor. We made it just in time. Then to the pharmacy. Then medicating, feeding, taking care of, etc., plus the girls were home from school when we got back and there was homework and such. Clark was grumpy from an interrupted nap, Nate had to work late and didn’t get home ’til almost 11pm. I was half out of my mind with fatigue.

So today, I REALLY need to rest. But that fleece is stressing me out. So I’m going to take it slow and see how I feel.

Last night, after the kids were in bed and I was waiting for Nate to get home, I started on another little neck scarf with my alpaca laceweight and new beads. I couldn’t get a decent picture of it this morning. This was the best of them.

I’m really annoyed that the color change is happening right at the pattern break.

3 Responses to “8 months!”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Awe I hope you get some much needed rest soon. I think your scarf is pretty and might not turn out so bad.
    I know nothing about fleece but if you wash it won’t it soften up alittle?

  2. G-pa Says:

    I love reading all about you , Nate, and the kids…

  3. Emy Says:

    It’s incredibly delicate! I can’t see how it turns out!

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