Tue Apr 21, 2009

Fine twined linen

You may need to be family or know me personally to appreciate this post, but I’ll try to explain well enough that you’ll at least understand.

I bought some flax to try spinning awhile ago. Spun flax is linen. In Exodus, and throughout the Book of Mormon, they mention “fine twined linen” and when I told the girls that I was spinning flax into linen, they picked up on it. Abby got an amused look on her face and, somewhat mocking, asked if I was spinning “fine twined linen?” Ha ha, we all had a laugh. But not as much as a week or so later when Veronica came into my room and picked up the knit linen swatch on my bedside table and in reverent awe asked if it was the fine twined linen? So very funny. It’s good to know they’re paying attention. I just said I was spinning linen, they made the scriptural connection on their own.

Of course in the Book of Mormon, “fine twined linen” primarily comes up when the Nephite civilization has become worldly, prideful, and are headed for some serious chastisement and humbling. Hence Abby’s sarcasm my direction. But whatever.

4 Responses to “Fine twined linen”

  1. Jen Says:

    That is so cute! And now they have a beautiful visual to go with future readings.

  2. JudithNYC Says:

    Just in case they think you are getting too prideful, tell them that it’s not that fine. hee, hee

    Seriously, though, isn’t it great to learn that your kids are listening to what you say?

  3. annie Says:

    I think Abby is trying to keep you humble….. lol

  4. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    That’s pretty cute. 🙂

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