Tue Apr 28, 2009

Not much to write about

But I’ll start in and see where it goes.

I’m feeling a little better. Still not great, but definitely better. I think I’m sensitive to dairy. When I eat it, I feel a lot worse. So naturally, I want milk all the time. No, that’s not right, I want things that you eat with milk. Cereal. Cookies. That kind of thing. I made some oatmeal raisin cookies last night, looking online for a recipe that uses shortening instead of butter. They’re really good, but cookies and water just aren’t as satisfying. Nor are cookies and soymilk.

Wah, wah. I know. I should just be glad I’m feeling somewhat better.

I haven’t done much with knitting or spinning in the last few days. And I haven’t finished carding the batts. I think I need to pick more of the roughage out of the noil first. My friend Katie spun a couple batts and thought there was too much in it. I tried (knowing ahead of time the nightmare it would be) to card a batt of noil, to open it up and ease the picking, but it was way more hassle than help. Maybe I’ll try handcards and see what that does. It’s much nicer to pick sharp bits out of noil that’s been carded, but getting it off of the drum carder and then cleaning the drum carder afterwards is awful.

Boring post, boring post.

Liv is home sick today. I swear she went out and found the first virus she could after her antibiotic treatment last week. I’d say I’m anxious for summer, but we’ve been sick during summer before, too.

I’m hoping in the next day or so to start spinning two ounces of Bombyx silk for a friend of mine. I’ve never spun pure silk in any quantity, and it sounds fun.

3 Responses to “Not much to write about”

  1. Julie Says:

    I’m quite happy with my rice milk for cereal and even drinking straight. It’s light and refreshing and a bit sweet too, and that’s even without having any vanilla in it. I am spacing on the brand right now but I could get that to you if you are interested.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    How about tea and cookies!!!!! Hope you feel better soon. Jean

  3. Stephanie Says:

    Hey you! I am so sorry I’ve been so out of touch. We got so out of sorts last week with being sick and all…I’ve been playing catchup ever since.

    I LOVE the way your purple tweedy batts are coming out. Let me know when you can get together and I’ll bring over some of the packaging stuff I have for us to play around with (and sample cards from one of my fiber places 🙂

    Fun fun fun! I hope Liv is feeling better now. I can’t wait to have a break from sickness. I mean…seriously. This year has been the worst!

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