Wed May 6, 2009

What’s up with this?

I have no idea why my blog was down yesterday, or why my pictures aren’t loading today. I’m just glad it’s back. I’m not in a very good mood. If you don’t want to hear it, you may want to skip me.

So, yesterday I was annoyed because after doing all that weighing and math and such, I still ended up with a handful of yarn leftover on the alpaca scarf. About 5 grams of it. It irritates me.

Having finished the scarf, which I love, and which is most likely going to be a gift now, leaving the camel I have yet to spin for me (until I find someone else that deserves a gift, I’m sure), I dug out the long neglected hexagon shawl and started in on it. I made good progress, having spent much of yesterday in bed, and look to do the same today.

And that brings me to my gripings of today… I’m getting another sinus infection! Kill me! I feel awful! I’m sick of mucus. A rotating selection of my children have been dealing with snuffles and coughs for weeks and weeks. I had it a couple weeks ago. And here we are again. Add that to the fact that it appears my acute stomach troubles are NOT necessarily limited to dairy and sciatica has come to visit today, and I am not fit for company. I seriously think that Clark is the ONLY human being I could be around today without biting their head off.

I’m so grumpy.

And another thing… I’m sick of my needles going missing. I’m going to need a 36 inch size 9 in about 17 rounds of shawl, and while there is no doubt that I have owned one at some point, it’s not to be found.

My only consolation, (not that it’s going to make me a nicer person today, just a smidge less miserable), is that unlike Clark’s pregnancy, I’m not too sick to knit. I have been enjoying it immensely and will continue to, provided my elbows behave. They’ve done some mild complaining, but I’m stretching and adjusting positions and so far have been able to get around it.

So, I’m knitting that huge hexagon spider’s web shawl from Victorian Lace Today. I finished the center section last night and have started the band of flowers. I changed colors, the band of flowers is going to be the leftover lavendar/purple yarn from Olivia’s birthday shawl last year.

I was planning to spin some gray silk/mohair for the big, open border, possibly over-dyeing it to make it warmer. After starting the purple however, I might just go back to the Colinette I used on the center. I hated it when I started the shawl, but I’m really liking it right now. I’ll probably post pictures and ask your opinion in a few days.

And Carol, I might be harassing you for a needle or two pretty soon, though I’d much rather have bamboo for this.

3 Responses to “What’s up with this?”

  1. carol gilchrist Says:

    Well aren’t you just a lucky ducky, I happen to have in BAMBOO a 36 inch 9 and a 36 inch 10 from crystal palace…
    Feel better!

  2. Stephanie Says:

    Ugh. I’m sorry about your sinus infection. Those are the worst. And I know what you mean..someone has been sick in our household for the last 3 weeks or so. It’s miserable. I’m tired of it. I’m tired of the rain and gray.

    I’m ready to air this place out and get a little warmer! I can’t wait to see pic of the shawl etc.

    Good luck! I hope the rest of your day is shaping up a little 🙂

  3. Julie Says:

    Do you want your elbow straps back? Better to prevent injury if possible?

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