Tue May 19, 2009

All about socks

I finished Clark’s second pair of socks, and am planning a third. They’re so cute! and he loves them, though he “don’t wanna smile” this morning.

If you possibly can, please ignore my messy bathroom. I’m too pregnant/sick/tired/apathetic to make it photo ready (can’t even move 2 buckets and sweep, how lame is that?) and it’s the only spot in the house with enough light on this dark, wet morning for a picture.

Yesterday, my friend Carol invited me over to dye some of her yummy sock yarn. She showed me how to dye semi-solid in a crockpot and it was tremendous fun! We dyed 15 skeins in 3 colors.

I’m really excited to have the subtle color variations and still have a color solid enough to look good in a patterned sock.

I’m 19 + weeks now and can still wear my jeans, though I’m pushing it. I have a little more energy. My horrible cough is slowly getting better. I’m still really nauseated a lot, like right now, and have a hard time eating much of the time. It looks like I’m going to make it in to Veronica’s class today for the first time in a couple months.

4 Responses to “All about socks”

  1. Jen Says:

    Those socks are adorable! And your dyeing looks like it went really well!

  2. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    Seriously, Carol lives here?! Awesome – such talented peeps in our midst! Anyway, I love the socks – I seriously need to finish a pair for Evelyn.

  3. carol gilchrist Says:

    Yup, I moved back here, I was in NY for a year, last year. But La and I met here. The dyeing is such fun, and I love how squishy it is dry.

  4. Melissa Loh Says:

    Your son is so cute!

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