Wed Jun 10, 2009

Thinking thoughts

So, for some unfathomable reason (nothing brought it on, it came out of nowhere), I decided it’d be fun to knit a Molly Weasley sweater (the groovy one from Chamber of Secrets) for Halloween. I looked at the pattern in Charmed Knits and it didn’t do anything for me. Then I saw this.

Oooooh. Now that has potential. I’d knit the body of the sweater and just crochet the sleeves. I’d also get the sleeves back up on the shoulders, not hanging off like that. I have some ideas as to the neckline and trimmings, I’d shorten it and make it an A-line at the hips, and I gotta find/make me an apron to wear over it, along with a decent wig… BUT! Wouldn’t it be cool? I think so. And since Molly Weasley is heavy set anyway, I’ll look perfect, if not too tall.

I’ve contacted Gayle, my crochet master friend that I’ve only seen a handful of times since we moved 3 years ago, and I think we’re a go! So, I need to start collecting bits of yarn in different colors. I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to go all wool, or use acrylic, or a mix of the two. I don’t see this as being a very fun sweater to handwash and lay flat to dry, but I don’t like touching acrylic, so the actual crochet experience (which I don’t particularly like) will be far more enjoyable if I have nice yarn to work with.

Fortunately, I already have the PERFECT body color, I just have to figure out how to use it without getting Liv mad at me, as it’s the yarn I was going to knit her cabled yolk sweater with. But that’s been stalled out for a year and a half anyway, and we’d already discussed scrapping the yolk sweater for a cabled vest/jacket thing, and she’s older now. Maybe she doesn’t want pink anymore? Maybe???

So, that’s my latest crazy idea. It may or may not happen, but I think it’d be fun and one of those things I could wear every year.

In other news, I’ve discovered that I don’t particularly enjoy knitting toe-up heels. So the Goldfish Socks are stalled for the moment, I’m probably going to need some hand-holding from Carol. I’ve re-decided that I HATE the colors of that stupid hexagon shawl. I’ll finish it, show it to a bunch of people to get their opinions, then I’ll probably overdye it. Which means I have to knit some swatches to test-overdye.

This is so annoying to me. The color of this Colinette yarn is what made me splurge on it at the store, and then it knit up like crap and I don’t even like the way it feels compared to other mohair laceweights I’ve used.

This is what, 3 or 4 grumpy posts in a row from me? (I just checked, make that 5+).

I’m sorry.

But I really am excited to try my hand at crocheting (even though it hurts my wrist) a Molly W. sweater. I’ve already bought the pattern, I’m just waiting for the PDF to show up in my inbox.

4 Responses to “Thinking thoughts”

  1. carol gilchrist Says:

    don’t worry, once you get past the heels, its all gravy. you can do it, you’re almost there! I can’t wait to see them done. As for overdying, the shawl, I share your frustration, I hope it keeps it’s lightness in the black.

  2. Anna Says:

    Which method are you using for your heels on your toe-ups? I took a workshop with Wendy Johnson (aka wendyknits) a few weeks ago and I loved the gusset heel. We also did the slipstitch heel and while that probably wears better in the long run, I felt it was fiddly to knit. The gusset heel was a breeze for me. But just think, once you get past this, you just knit the leg til you are sick of it and cast off and you’re done! Hope you feel up to taking the plunge soon and pushing through this stage. Hope you are physically feeling better too.

  3. Mim Says:

    Laura, I just love that idea! Hmmm, you know you could do a whole family of Weasley’s?! How fun would that be. ;0) Good luck with it.

  4. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    Molly Weasley – how fun!

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