Fri Jan 14, 2005

Health Group- week 31

For those of you wondering, yes my website had problems yesterday. It was up and down all day. What can you do? I also had quite a problem getting my site-related emails a week or so ago. It was really frustrating stumbling across new comments, and wondering how many more I had missed. If someone hasn’t been responded to that was expecting it, please try me again. It seems like things are working right now.

Well, I had a really great week. FINALLY!

Monday, I did 50 minutes of treadmill.
Tuesday, I didn’t have a lot of time, so I went out to do weights and realized that my Christmas stuff was still semi-packed and scattered all over the garage, so instead of kicking it out of the way, I actually put it away. That took all of my time, but now my garage is nice and clean again.
Wednesday and Thursday, I did treadmill again for 50 minutes.
Friday I did treadmill and WEIGHTS! It’s been too long since I did weights. For a long time after my injection, I felt much too fragile to do weights. Then we were well into the holidays and there wasn’t much time. Then there have been some sick weeks. Anyway, I’m glad to be back!

I’ve started doing my abs on the big exercise ball. I’m liking it. I’m also happy because being able to do them that way means my back is stronger. I still have to be careful, but it’s stronger. Hooray! When I first started physical therapy last year, we couldn’t find ANY form of ab work that didn’t hurt my back. Finally, he had me do some sort of twisting thing with the side pulleys on my weight system which worked them, but not to the extent that I wanted to. So this is progress.

I have eaten very well this week, and I’ve been drinking a LOT of water. I had a couple of splurges, like a yummy confection at knitting group on Thursday. No regrets. Unfortunately, after knitting group last night, I was starving, so I hit Arby’s on the way home. I ate too much, and I ate it late. So the scale isn’t quite as pretty today as it could have been. Monday, I was 221.5. I went down every single day. Yesterday, I was 217.5, and very happy about it. I did great all of yesterday until the gut bomb dinner at 9:30, so I know it could have been better, but this morning I was 219. Not bad. I’m still down 1.5 pounds from last week. And I’m under 220 again. I’ll take it.

How are you doing out there? Jenny got a treadmill! Hooray for Jenny! We wish you the best!

5 Responses to “Health Group- week 31”

  1. Dani Says:

    Good for you, Laura! Unfortunately, my weight is climbing while yours is dropping. I started drinking more water last week, though, so hopeful I can get myself motivated to do more this coming week.

  2. Jenny Says:

    Thanks, Laura! Yesterday I did 35 minutes on the treadmill, and today I did 40 minutes. However! I am not even up to your “warm-up” speed for my main speed, haha!And thanks for reminding me about warming up and cooling down. Funny, I remembered that when walking outside, but for some reason didn’t remember on the treadmill! I still felt funny after my workout today, but it was much less discomfort since I cooled down today. I just put a knitting magazine or catalog up on the holder, and read away while walking. It really makes the time go by, and anyway, I need to catch up on my magazines. I am guilty of just doing a quick look-see of the patterns, and neglecting to read the articles. Buying the treadmill was traumatic for me. My husband was the main ‘talker’, while I stood quietly by, but the salesman seemed to direct a few comments at me. He said” you can lose weight using the treadmill, as long as you also eat right”, at which point he turned and looked significantly at me. I thought, gee! Does he think I have doughnuts for breakfast, pie for lunch, and a Big Mac for dinner every day?? A short while later, he said the weight limit for the treadmill was 300 pounds, when he turned and looked at me again! I thought, OMG! Does he think I’m that close to the limit??? I’ll be glad when there is some results, so I won’t be wondering anymore if certain comments are being directed at me!! I also started drinking raw vinegar in water as a way to lose weight and feel better. I started that at the beginning of December on the advice of an email friend. Hopefully, something will finally kick in!

  3. Dani Says:

    Jen, that doesn’t sound like it was a pleasant shopping experience AT ALL. Don’t worry about your walking speed right now. Two years ago, I lost 20 pounds and I rarely turned the dial past the “warm-up” section on the treadmill. I was in poor physical shape and I just couldn’t handle any more than that. My mantra then was “As long as I am moving, it is better than sitting on the couch.”

  4. Laura Says:

    I completely agree with Dani. It doesn’t matter how fast you are going, as long as you’re listening to your body. Working out is supposed to feel good.

    Dani- Good job on your water!

  5. Katie Says:

    Hi there,
    I had a bummer experience this week in that I got all excited when I did my weekly wiegh-in at my parents house and found I’d lost another 4 lbs! Then, later when I double-checked on my scale at home I had really only lost 2 lbs – which is great, but I should have just waited to weigh myself on the same scale… Oh well, live and learn. So, I was good about counting points again this week and I’m down to drinking decaf coffee in the mornings. I exercised only twice because of snow. You’re probably wondering why I just don’t exercise at home… my 2 1/2 year old and 4 month old seem to demand my attention all the time – like right now. Have to go!

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