Mon Sep 14, 2009

The time of our lives

We snuck away to Cannon Beach for the weekend, a last minute decision. Nate came, which is fabulous as he never takes a break, and it was wonderful. It was difficult, however in that we were stuck in traffic and it took almost 7 hours to get there on Friday, and 5 1/2 hours to get back on Saturday. That’s a lot of car time for someone who is officially 8 months pregnant with 1 day shy of 4 weeks to go. (I had doctor’s permission).

It was very uncomfortable.

BUT, we had a really great time and got a fabulous deal on a hotel room that comfortably slept all of us.











Our main reason for going was that Cassandra Barney was going to be there for an art show. She comes to Cannon Beach about once a year, and Nate “moved mountains” so we could make it. It was our first time meeting Cassandra and seeing Cannon Beach.





Cassandra was fabulous. She spent a lot of time talking to the girls and sharing painting tips. Veronica in particular ate it up. She’s been begging to paint ever since.


Despite the excessive car time, we took the opportunity to drive an additional hour south and visit the Tillamook Cheese Factory.


Their white licorice ice cream is amazing.


Today, I have a bunch of laundry to do, and my car is in a desperate state. I made a couple sock monkey kits for the girls to stuff and hand sew on the drive down, so there’s sand, garbage, food debris, various monkey body parts and polyester fiber fill all OVER my car.

It’s atrocious.

And I’m very tired.

7 Responses to “The time of our lives”

  1. Teresa Says:

    I love Tillamook Cheese Factory, We don’t get there often, we are in Southern Oregon. Did you have some squeaky cheese curds? They are good, but weird. Glad you had a good time and you look GREAT!

  2. Donna Says:

    Glad you guys had a great time! I love Cannon Beach.

  3. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    That must have been so fun! Did you buy another painting while you were there?

  4. katie jo Says:

    Brings back memories of my honeymoon, the weather looks just like it was then. We even drove down to Tillamook. Glad you had a good time, makes me want to go back.

  5. sue Says:

    Gee that is a long drive, if we drove for 7 hours we would go from Melbourne to New South Wales, a completely different state! It sounds like you had a fantastic time, lucky you as I am sure you will be very busy soon and wont have time for such luxuries for a little bit. You look very well too. You must be very tall otherwise Cassandra is very short! Are you going to show us the girls sock monkeys (or are they not completed), lol!

  6. Jen Says:

    Looks like you guys had tons of fun! White licorice ice cream must be the new black (licorice).

  7. cassandra Says:

    That made me giggle. I’m just shy of 5.1″ and that’s pretty short.
    Laura, I’m so glad that I got to meet you and your beautiful family. I love my gift as well. It’s a little too warm to wear it so I just keep looking at it fondly.

    Much love, Cassandra

    P.S. What is Veroica painting?

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