Mon Jan 24, 2005

I got to spend a really nice (on the whole) day in bed

Upon entering the room yesterday, the doctor said, “How is our incredibly needle-phobic patient doing this morning?” He remembers me. Isn’t that sweet? The nurse administering the IV called another nurse into the room to gently stroke my hand and speak in soothing tones. They also gave me oxygen when I asked. I felt so cared for.

My injection went well. I think it has a chance at helping, as the first couple of hours afterwards, before the local wore off, I felt pretty good. Then the pain came, and grew in intensity throughout the afternoon ’til I was squirming and writhing to try to get away from it. Then it stopped. Well, mostly stopped. By late last night, I was feeling decent. We’ll see how today goes. Thank you all for your well wishes and concern. I have been fortunate to be surrounded by people that care.

My sister-in-law woke up hours before she would normally, to come and stay with my still sleeping children so we wouldn’t have to wake and transport them to the hospital at 5 am. Nate had to go to work after bringing me home, but he came home early and brought me a wonderful lunch. My friends Michelle and Karen brought us a fabulous dinner. My mother-in-law and my very busy mom called to check on me. As did my good friend Celeste. My happy little fish stayed on the side of her tank closest to my bed to keep me company during the period of time I spent there in too much pain to knit. (Holy cow, she’s grown since that picture. For the fish obsessed, I can’t think of anything more happily indulgent than being able to watch them while laying in bed). A big, heart-felt thank you to everyone. I feel loved.

And now, get ready for it… Pete’s bag is done.


At least, all of the pre-felting work is done. And to celebrate, I worked on something fun, which now is also done.



I really, really, really, really, really like it. We’re not talking about the fact that there is VERY little chance of the other one matching. Right now, we’re happy with the one we have. I think I’m going to have enough yarn left from the two balls to make a hat. Maybe. Each fingerless mitt takes a hair over half the skein. So I’ll have practically a full ball’s worth of yarn left when I’m done. (Since they’re not going to match anyway, I probably could have got by with only ONE skein, but whatever. A hat will be nice). And before I forget, for those of you who are interested, there’s an errata for the pattern posted here. You’ll need to scroll down towards the bottom to see it.

I’ve also finished Olivia’s SECOND Fun Fur scarf, this one in hot pink, since Abigail immediately appropriated the first one for herself. Olivia has ALWAYS been the selfless, sharing sister of the pair, so she let her have it. This surprised even me, because Olivia was SO excited to get the scarf. Way to be, girl.

Now I’m off to knit the other Noro mitt/armwarmer/glove, work on Lauralund, and perhaps start assembling colors for Hayden’s doll. Oh yeah, and felt Pete’s bag, at which point I will begin considering pockets.

8 Responses to “I got to spend a really nice (on the whole) day in bed”

  1. Barbara Says:

    Hi Laura,
    Believe it or not I have just spent from this morning 9 am to now (15.13) reading your blog and loving it. I am sorry I came to the last page (today) Hope you recover well. I love your sense of humour, the love towards your family, pets, home and friends. Well done! I read every report on the weight loss and would like to join your group by email if I may. This is a work email so I would have to report by Friday.
    Look forward to hearing from you.

    Your three girls are the cutest of the cutest.

  2. Dani Says:

    You have a full slate of knitting work ahead of you, eh? You are so productive. If only I could borrow a little of your energy and focus . . .

    I’m glad that things went more smoothly with your injection this time.

  3. hayden Says:

    I’m so glad that yesterday went well for you; I was thinking about you after I read your post yesterday. Had plans to comment with well wishes. Plans were derailed by work and other assorted rent paying things. But, I’m glad that everything went well, the pain mostly dissapeared, and you had people to help you out. And that you got some knitting done. The bag looks great, I love the first “glove”, and I can’t wait to see the finished scarf. Such a nice sister, Olivia. I’m so not like that; Abby takes after me apparently. =)

  4. LeAnne Says:

    I REALLY love those mittens! You are inspiring me!

  5. susan Says:

    For someone who was allegedly out of commission yesterday, you got an awful lot done. 🙂 I’m glad your fish was there for you! 🙂

  6. Katie Says:

    Glad to hear that your injection went well… I think the glove looks great – it’s too bad about the knotty yarn. That’s great that you finished that bag – I’ll bet you’re relieved that’s done. 🙂

  7. Susanna in Seattle Says:

    Love your fingerless glove !! I’ve got Silk Garden from Noro set aside for mine. Thanks for pointing out the errata page and chart. I’m sure that will save me tons of time.

  8. thuy Says:

    hey your mitt looks great. i am just finishing my second in the kureyon, too, and of course they don’t match. but those stripes get me every time. needles- ew.

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