Wed Jan 26, 2005

They match! (mostly)


I love, love, love them. One looks longer than the other, even though it isn’t, because there’s more green on one side than the other. BUT, they’re close. They’re cute. They’re cozy. They’re done.

I’m whipping out a crazy hat with the leftover yarn. It’s a big, blocky, open lace, zigzag kind of hat, worked on big needles. It’s really cool so far. I’ve been trying to keep track of how I’m making it, but I keep having to make little unexplained adjustments at the start of many of the rounds, so I don’t know how accurately I can pattern it.

I’m felting Pete’s bag right now. It’s been in there for a very long time. The bag is shrinking, the strap isn’t, I’m going to keep washing the sucker ’til it behaves. If the strap insists on remaining humungous, I have a plan, so I’m not worried.

My back is feeling pretty good today, although I’m coming down with some kind of illness. Sore throat, stuffy head, no energy. Guess that means I get to spend more time justifying knitting too much, I mean resting.

Hey, I did laundry yesterday. That’s something.

No Responses to “They match! (mostly)”

  1. Anne Says:

    They’re beautiful and they go with your hair. Who could ask for more?

  2. Dani Says:

    I’m glad to hear that your body is handling this shot a bit better than the last one, and that your worry about non-matching wristwarmers was for naught. Knit on!

  3. Megan Says:

    I love them! I wear my wrist warmers almost every day at the office–I’m definately in need of more 🙂

  4. hayden Says:


  5. Katie Says:

    Very cute!

  6. Kim Says:

    Those turned out great! I’m working on a pair for myself right now as well and I can’t believe how quickly you knit them. I was having trouble deciphering the cable chart in reverse so I ended up ripping what I had done incorrectly and having the chart mirror copied at Kinkos. Now I just have to find the time to sit and knit! I’m so glad to see a finished pair to inspire me.

  7. Laura Says:

    Thanks everyone!

    Kim- Having to sit and rest all day helps with getting things knit quick.

  8. Jenny Says:

    Well look at you!! THAT looks like a Britney pose to me, haha! Your wristwarmers look terrific!

  9. Jessica Says:

    Very nice. Goodness knows there’s enough Noro in my stash to make them. Hmmm…

  10. monica Says:

    I love the colors and the cables. Very nice!

  11. Karen Says:

    The wrist warmers look great. Is the noro growing on you?

  12. Laura Says:

    Yeah, Noro is pretty cool!

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