Sat May 29, 2004

By request

Here is a picture of my dog. Thanks for asking! I tried to take a nice one, and it didn’t work out. What I got, cracked me up, and when I sent it to my good friend, neighbor, (a different neighbor than yesterday’s post), and dog trainer Gayle, she laughed really loud.

SO, I thought I’d share.


It’s DEMON DOG! At some point, those of you who aren’t dog people will agree with my assesment when I post pictures of him tearing around the house with my WIP in his mouth.

As for knitting content, I’m about to start the brown yarn on the top of Blue Tote. Hooray! I haven’t started Bottoms Up yet.

4 Responses to “By request”

  1. Jenny Says:

    Thanks for the photo of Abner! I don’t know about Demon Dog…. I think he looks a little disgruntled, like someone caught in a bathrobe!

  2. FYRKRKR Says:

    Poor Abner, he only looks like this because HE’S TIED TO THE REFRIGERATOR AGAIN!!!! Seriously, Abner is a very sweet, wonderful golden retriever, who LOVES SOCKS! I AM still knitting my first pair of socks, the one my fiance suggested I make into sweatbands (eye daggers) and after knitting about 3 inches, Laura politely informed me that I was knitting INSIDE OUT! Please understand that Laura is my mentor and coach and is the one who, save Grammie when I was 8 years old, taught me everything I know about knitting. I have crocheted for years, but this knitting thing is a bit new. FUN! and the sock will (SIGH) someday be cool!
    (BTW-the only time your dog should have your WIP in his mouth is if he is carrying it to you at your request!)

  3. Kendra Says:

    Looks like a caption contest waiting to happen to me!
    Not that I have any bright ideas, myself, mind you.

  4. FYRKRKR Says:

    So, now that you have a camera, how about a new picture of Abner, one that shows his true happy self!?

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