Tue Feb 1, 2005

buttons and velcro and beading wire, oh my!

Veronica and I went to the craft store while the older two were in school. She was a peach, and I picked up some buttons for Lauralund.


This cardi is going to have a very rustic, and slightly Asian look to it. Ok, maybe significantly Asian after I add the bamboo buttons. For some reason, probably my deepening interest in lionhead goldfish and Thai food, I’ve been drawn to Asian decor. And mercy, is this sweater warm. I wore it out yesterday, fastened with the huge turtle pin. So cozy.

I finally took a picture of Pete’s bag.


It still needs the finishing touches, but I’ve worked the i-cord, just needs felting, and I bought the velcro yesterday for the pockets. Perhaps I’ll do some sewing today?

Oh, and the beading wire. I’ve been entertaining myself making stitch markers, as I know many people have. Other than a fabulous email tutorial by a wonderful reader in France, I have no freaking clue what I’m doing, besides amusing myself. I have bags of cheap, plastic beads that my daughters have acquired from different sources, a combination wire clipper/plyers thing, and 24 and 20 gauge wire. It’s a kick. And I’m even content with cheap beads!

Yesterday, it occurred to me to go back and look at the two “list” posts I did in November. Part 1, and part 2. Wow, I’ve done almost everything on the list, and the other things either don’t matter anymore, or are not pressing. I’ve been productive. I’m a free woman. I need a new list!

But for now, I need to sew buttons and loops on my cardi, finish Pete’s bag, and knit my Kathmandu shrug.

2 Responses to “buttons and velcro and beading wire, oh my!”

  1. Katie Says:

    Hi Laura,
    Pete’s bag looks great… Can’t wait to see the Lauralund! I really need to start a list of projects… I keep thinking of new things I’d like to knit faster than I can knit the next thing. I have little piles of yarn sitting all over my craft table, and no sense of organization. A list might tame the situation quite a bit…

  2. Becky Says:

    Perfect buttons!

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