Mon Oct 12, 2009

Due date

Max was due yesterday. I took a picture.


And started a sock.


I also forgot to send Nate to the store for diapers this morning. Clark is blissfully unaware that he’s wearing THE LAST ONE!!!


I do not feel equal to loading up the boys and heading to the store today, if for no other reason than the mere thought of stuffing my newly lactating self into a bra is more than I can bear.

And I have a headache, am really tired, and am still not coping well with noise and crowds.

Which brings me to something kind of funny.

I had the most surreal experience at the dinner table last night. I felt like I was in a movie. I was really tired, and every single noise seemed magnified to the extreme. I was distinctly cognizant of every. single. sound. Each time Nate’s spoon hit the bottom of his bowl. The little wooden chair Clark was casually kicking under the table as it scraped slowly across the wood floor. Every single mouth as it chewed sounded like there was a microphone in front of it. The slurping. The breathing. The bread crumbs as they hit the table around the bowls.

It drove me insane.

I hope my energy comes back soon.

6 Responses to “Due date”

  1. Jean Says:

    Hope you seel better soon. Jean 🙂

  2. Jean Says:

    I meant feel better!!! Jean

  3. Anonymous Says:

    I love your description of dinner. I’ve had that exact experience at dinner– it ended with me under a pillow in my dark, quiet room. 🙂

    BTW, that is one unbelievably cute baby.

  4. sue Says:

    Ooh you are definately overtired Laura. You need a really big sleep. I have some days like those and it is definately lack of sleep. Hope you can start to relax soon. Little Max is looking more handsome by the day.

  5. susan Says:

    Wow, that’s a lot of sock progress! Max is beautiful. Hope you get some sleep today.

  6. annie Says:

    OMGosh! I’ve heard of this before.. i think it’s called postpartum amplification.. JK lol cute pics.

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