Fri Feb 25, 2005

Health Group- week 37

Good morning! Another pathetic week for me. I have my list of excuses, as usual, but to say it outright, this week was a bust. Now, in my defense, I made efforts to eat healthy. Like, on the drive down to Oregon and back, I made sure to pack healthy food and snacks as opposed to fast-food-gut-bombing-it. I was so glad I did. No exercise occurred, however. And I am menstruating, which has to count for something! (I told you all I wasn’t pregnant).

This week! This week will be better! I’m going to do mahhhhhhvelous THIS week! I swear. I realize I’m going to have to prove it to you, because you’ve heard this before, and I will.

I’m still 218.5, which can only mean I’m losing muscle mass. But I can fix this.

How was your week?

And thank you all for the info on the parsnip yesterday! I had no idea it would be such a popular topic. I enjoyed reading all of your emails and comments. Thanks!

8 Responses to “Health Group- week 37”

  1. Suzy Says:

    Hi Laura. I think it’s awesome that you didn’t gain any over your vacation. Good job! This week is going to be a good one for you…I can feel it 🙂

    The lbs finally started coming off for me!! I’ve been reporting for weeks now that I’m exercising like crazy, eating healthy and not losing weight…well, this week I had a 4 lb loss that has stuck. This despite the fact that it was a stressful week for me and two nights the nacho temptation won out.

    I’m going back to work in a few weeks and am really nervous that I won’t be able to keep up the exercise. I’m hoping my determination to make this a lifetime thing will stick.

  2. Dani Says:

    Congrats to everyone who lost or held steady this week! I haven’t lost but I haven’t climbed up to 260, which is my absolute TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE upper limit.

    For some reason, I proscratinate when I know that success is within reach. I know that eDiets combined with walking works for me. Yet I quit two years’ ago while I was still losing weight and ended up gaining back all that I lost. It would take me no time at all to sign back up and my husband is supportive. I even have a friend at work who is willing to be my diet buddy. Why, then, have I put off going to the website? Before Monday comes, I WILL buy the Walk Away the Pounds DVD and I WILL sign up for eDiets again.

    See you guys next week, same Finch time, same Finch channel :-).

  3. FYRKRKR Says:

    Going on vacation and not gaining weight and actually eating the healthy-packed-snack-food you took??? Sounds like success to me, my friend!

    Seriously, I had an OK week eating-wise, but no exercise, not by choice, and you could say that about both topics (haha). Let me just say that given the events of the past 2 weeks, I am lucky to be alive and not physically or seriously mentally impaired. I am now, more than ever, aware of the importance of getting healthy. I am one very lucky lady, in many, many ways…let me count my blessings!

    Thank you to Laura for coming to visit and knit with me – I am almost finished with my shrug! Thank you Jules for visiting and bringing those beautiful flowers! Thank you also for calling so I could talk to everyone at knitting group – you are so sweet! Good job Katie on the weight loss! Hope to see you soon!

    Katie-please email Laura for my email or phone number – I would like to talk to you!

  4. Lea Says:

    Sigh… the saga of weight loss. Look at it this way – you didn’t gain anything! That in itself is reason to celebrate. I started going back to Weight Watchers a month ago, lost 4 lbs. and have now gained back 2! Grrrr… I know the bag of chocolate covered almonds hubby gave me for Valentine’s Day didn’t help but geez – I’m already taking 1 step forward 2 steps back!! I’ve been very, very good this week – maybe Tues. I’ll be able to say I’ve lost those 2 lbs. again. Hang in there! I’m rooting for you! (no pun intended considering your parsnip entry!)

  5. Laura Says:

    Suzy- that’s so exciting! Keep it up!

    Dani- You can do it! I know it’s hard to get started. I think because it’s comforting having something “you know will work”, and then if it doesn’t…. it’s too much to bear. At least that is a struggle for me. Sometimes, it’s easier simply to cling to the hope, as opposed to testing it.

    Gayle- we’re all glad you’re alive as well! I hope things improve for you, and you are able to get healthy.

    speaking of Katie- how did Saturday go? :-).

    Lea- Good luck, and keep working with it!

  6. Nadia Says:

    I’m with the people above: if you can maintain on vacation, you’re fine.

    This week I didn’t get to yoga on time because the online schedule lied to me, so I ran 2 km on the running machine thing.

    I was going to make champ, a new dish, but I bought the wrong kind of potato, so they went into Dan’s casserole.

  7. Katie Says:

    Hmmm, I’m a popular girl this week!
    Time to check in… We just got back into town, and for those of you who don’t know – yesterday was the grand opening of Handprint’s Gallery in Bellingham, WA. This gallery was set up to display and sell hand-crafted art and to integrate disabled artisans with the larger art community. My mother-in-law got the cool job of finding local artists to sell their work and to teach classes there, so of course she asked me to make some knitted items and my circular needle cases which can also be used for paintbrushes, etc. 35% of the proceeds go to running the vocational programs for people with disabilities.
    The opening went fabulously… The local news covered it, there was a big article in the B’ham Herald, and there were lots of people milling through all day. Also, many artists were scheduled to demonstrate throughout the day, so at 3pm I sat with my friend for an hour (who will be teaching rubber stamping techniques) and got to knit while people asked me questions and oohed and aahed over what I was working on. When I left, I noticed that two of my needle cases had sold – hooray! Stay tuned for part two…

  8. Katie Says:

    Ok, here it is… I apologize about that, but my 6 month-old had just spit up all over me and I’ve been cut off on this thing before because my message was too long. 🙂 Honestly, I’m really not this chatty in person. Am, I?
    Well, anyway what I was working on was the Meema’s bag which is almost finished and I LOVE. I only need to finish the marsupial pouch and knit the I-cord, and felt the thing. Unfortunately I don’t have a website to post pics on so you’ll just have to imagine it in bright blue with bright green on top!
    Next, on to the weight issues. I did not do so well in the diet department this week – too much snacking because I’ve been trying to eat these itty bitty lunches. Kind of defeats the purpose… Anyway, I did exercise and managed to lose another 2 lbs – I’m sure that’s boob weight though, because I’m pretty much done with the whole nursing thing. So, hope to eat better this week and I’m thinking of buying a digital scale so I can leap for joy when I lose half a pound.
    Gayle, my email is [email>[/email> I’d link it here, but my memory of HTML is very fuzzy at present. I’m so glad you are doing better!
    Laura – Thanks for your help on Friday – Now that I have store credit at Columbine Yarns, I’m thinking I really need to figure out how to make that shrug with the chunky alpaca. See you again soon!

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