Fri Mar 4, 2005

Health Group- week 38

Good morning! I did better this week. That’s what I’m holding on to right now. Not great, but better. Better is good. Better can be the start of an upswing.

Monday, I didn’t exercise, but I did physical therapy.
Tuesday, my right hip was hurting really bad, so I didn’t do treadmill, but I did physical therapy.
Wednesday, I did 35 minutes of treadmill. Yay! And physical therapy.
Thursday and Friday were just physical therapy.

I’m still eating a lot of veggies. I’m revving up. I intend to exercise today, which will be twice for the week. I’ll take it. And next week, it’ll be better.

How are you doing?

My friend Katie, who posts here, continues to look great. She is swimming in her clothes, buying smaller sizes, and she said the most inspiring thing last night, so I thought I’d share… She said that when she signed up at Curves, her ultimate goal seemed unobtainable. But now, she feels she can really do it. I can’t hardly imagine anything more exciting than that. I think that for me, I’m dealing with some mental things that are acting as stumbling blocks. I think I’m afraid of failure, so I’m not trying as hard. It’s ridiculous. Thank you, Katie, for making it real. And good job!

I sincerely miss how good I feel when I’m exercising more, and eating really well. I want that energy and optimism back. There is no sane reason why I’m not doing it right now. Just the typical opposition that we all fight when doing something important with our lives.

UPDATE- I did it! 50 minutes on the treadmill! I feel soooooo good! Now I’m cleaning the mess Nate made in the garage so I can do weights next week.

8 Responses to “Health Group- week 38”

  1. Katie Says:

    Good morning, Laura!
    I feel so special being posted about on your site. 🙂 I know it can be extremely difficult to get past those stumbling blocks… I’ve been struggling with my weight issues since I was about 9 years old, and this is the first time ever that I feel I have some control over my own body and that I’m making some steady progress toward being a healthier person. Personally, I think you are a goddess – and from the little I know about you, you seem like the sort of person whose beauty on the inside shines through outside as well. I know that sounds trite because it’s the sort of thing people have been saying to me for years, but it’s so true. Thank you for continuing to encourage me… you have no idea how great that makes me feel to know people are seeing a difference!

  2. larissa Says:

    Being 7 months pregnant, I REALLY miss exercising. I can’t wait to have a body project again; I thought I’d never say that.

    I remember the moment–about 3 months into training for the Portland marathon–when I realized I actually could do it and was going to do it. Whoa. It was like your friend’s realization. What started me training, or kept me training up until then, was (I admit) going out for breakfast every week. And probably some hope that I could do it. But the real realization that I could do it didn’t come until much later, and was very scary as well as exciting.

    So what can a pregnant mama report? I drink 100+ ounces of water each day! I started tracking it this week. Two times this week I did long walks with the dog, and will again today. And 3 times I did my “fit pregnancy” ab exercises.

    Have a great week!

  3. Laura Says:

    Katie- 🙂

    Larissa- for about a year and a half, I was drinking 100+ ounces of water a day like you are. I loved it. Fortunately, that period of time permanently changed my drinking habits for the better, but I’m not up that high anymore. I’ll start tracking again. As for the rest, good job! You’re cute as can be in your preggie pics.

  4. Tink Says:

    Oh Your srug looks so pretty, I love the color and it looks great on you. I come to your site often, I have just started mine in the past month or so, it’s not perfect but its a start. You have been a great inspirtion for me with your diet. I have lost about 50 lbs with 30 more to go butttttttt, it has taken me 3 years, I hope to lose at least 15 more by summer. You are doing great. I will be back to check up on you so make sure you get in there and lift those weights 🙂 Thanks for sharing. Oh I have you linked from my site but I could not find a button soooooooo I made one, hope it is OK, if you have another and want me to replace it I will, by 4 now,Tink

  5. Tink Says:

    My Link did not wwork 🙁
    maybe you could cut and paste this into your url bar ?it has an html and your site cut of the l oh well see if it works.

  6. Dani Says:

    Congrats to all of you this week! As for me, I must shamefacedly admit that I didn’t totally keep the vows I made here last week. I didn’t sign up for eDiets yet and I have gained five pounds. On the upside, while I didn’t buy Walk Away the Pounds, I DID buy a new exercise DVD and I exercised three times this week. My goals for the coming week are to consume more water (still at 24 oz./day) and do a little more advanced planning so I am not caught desperately hungry at 3p.

  7. FYRKRKR Says:

    Laura, do you have ANY idea what an inspiration you are to me? Katie, you too! I may be at another of the low points of health and high points on the pounds, but I am inspired and a few weeks ago my head was really in the toilet. My whole attitude and outlook on life has really turned around. Life may be a struggle, but it is special to be a part of what we have here. I am so lucky to be alive and not so much worse – as it could be and as others are. I am ready to begin the good fight.

    I spent the majority of the week at the Everett Boat Show- been home about an hour. I am exhausted and in pain. I drank a lot of water, instead of soda. Score 1 point. I ate pretty well I think. Instead of the rock hard pizza and stale hot dogs and greazy French fries, I found a Thai place across the street from the event center and coordinated orders with other venders and got one of them to go get it. I ordered extra veggies and chicken. Score 2. I walked a lot. More than I should have as I think I am going to be told tomorrow that I need knee surgery. But business needs to be done, so I did it. I’ll ice. I don’t think I can do any MORE damage, it just hurts more. Don’t be a wimp…
    In comparison to the other shows in the past 13 years, I’d say I did better than ever.

    Oh, yeah, and I got my biggest inspiration kicked back into gear…. I remember what it is like to have that skinny little waist and hard-body that other girls look at and think “B****!” and I want that back!!! I want to look that good and feel that good again. I’ll have to go to Hayden’s site to post about how hard it is going to be. ha ha 🙂

  8. Jen Says:

    I too have found Curves to be a godsend–quick, easy (no complicated machines to figure out), and nice people. I’m so impressed with your persistence. Keep going!

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