Thu Jan 14, 2010

Miss me?

Those of you who have been around awhile, like, a LONG while, will remember my green tweed shrug?

I frogged it.

It was kind of fun, actually. At first, I just freed the yarn and walked down the hall, unravelling stitches, then winding the yarn onto my niddy noddy as I walked back to the shrug in the living room. When that became tedious, I sat in the living room with the niddy noddy, and the KIDS walked down the hall, carrying the shrug and unravelling stitches, and I wound the yarn up as they walked back towards me.

I now have two huge skeins of moss green Kathmandu Aran yarn that I’m going to re-knit into a vest. I’m very excited, as I need some new sweaters. Today, I picked out a cable stitch to work into the front/center and all that’s left to do in preparation is soak the yarn to get the kinks out. I have a picture, but it’s on the other computer because I forgot to email it to my laptop before putting Monsters Inc on for Clark.

That doesn’t mean I don’t have pictures :-). I just don’t have THAT one.

Here’s what Max is doing, as I type…


He is getting SO big! Veronica has a hard time carrying him now. I’m guessing he’s about 30% of her body weight and catching up quickly. Of course, she’s a shrimp.

We had a bit of a tragedy this week. I have shawls on the brain, and as I pulled out all of my knits from the hall closet… my big, red shawl



is full of holes. New, unintentional holes.

The wrong kind of holes.



I can’t find any evidence that it was actually eaten, as everything else in the bin is just fine, and I don’t see any moth waste… but I’m not sure it’s fixable. It’ll take a phenomenal amount of time and eyestrain. I’ve counted 7 holes so far, but that was a quick lookover. I’m sure there’s more. One of them is unfixable, but I don’t think that one will spread.

Moving on, because it’s too depressing to linger-

I am planning to frog my huge, Donegal Tweed poncho to re-work into a cardigan. I’m excited. It’s a gorgeous turquoise color with red flecks of tweed in it.

Also, I went through the stash and pulled out two different compilations of yarn for shawls. This one will be a large, half Pi shawl (half circle)


and I found nearly 3000 yards of sock yarn, mostly Koigu with a few skeins of Carol’s yarn which matches up nicely, that will look great together in a full Pi shawl. I didn’t buy them to coordinate, they’ve been acquired over time and happen to be gorgeous together.

All this, combined with a few girl shawls I have planned for this spring (shhhhhh… don’t tell), and I have a year (or more, depending on how distracted I get) of knitting at my fingertips without buying a thing! It’ll make a serious dent in my stash, as all of my yarn fits in that little bin you see under the last picture, and maybe by the time it’s all done, I can afford to buy more!

Well, maybe on that last part.

But I’m looking forward to it, despite the fact that my elbows are really bothering me. I’m not sure why, but I notice it the most when I’m carrying Max, both in and out of his carseat. Infant carseats are brutal and I already make efforts not to carry it, but I really need to stop lugging that thing around.

2 Responses to “Miss me?”

  1. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    Yay, for recycling yarn and using your stash!!! I gasped aloud when I saw those holes in your lace (aaaack!) I hope you are able to salvage it somewhat… 🙁 You seem to be handling it pretty well. I think I would be on the floor wailing…

  2. annie Says:

    u r such a frogger! lol! I have never frogged ’cause I hate the thought of all that wasted time 🙂 but thats just me.. 😉 Sorry about your red shawl! that is so strange! I agree that you are handling it well.

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