Mon Feb 22, 2010

Exercising again

I’m still not feeling particularly talkative, but we’re back to sleeping well. Yay!

I’m really excited because I put in 30 minutes on the elliptical five days last week. I only did my strengthening and stretching exercises once though. I keep forgetting that part.

And I exercised again this morning already. For some reason, the goal of fitting better into my current jeans size is more exciting and seemingly obtainable of a goal than losing 80 pounds.

I hope it works.

I still have three knitting projects lined up that I really want to start. And I still haven’t started them. With the current busy-ness of baby, preschooler, girls in school, exercising, and being really good about budgeting our groceries and planning/cooking dinner every night…. it’s easier to grab the guitar real quick for a bit of recreation than it is to commit to a stitch count and start a knitting project that might not work or fit, so I’m procrastinating.

But I miss it.

One Response to “Exercising again”

  1. Teresa Says:

    I walked around the soccer field today for the first time in forever! I am also doing the alternate day diet, which isn’t really a diet. you eat normal one day and the next day you eat a lot less calories. And I have total been able to stick to if for about a month now. I am starting to get jiggly, and my pants are looser. There are several verision out there, but I am cheap and bought a cheap paperback version on amazon it’s call the Alternate day diet! take care

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