Wed Mar 10, 2010

I haven’t even touched the shawl

It’s in the exact same place it was when I photographed it on Monday. Only now, it has some books on it because no horizontal surface in this house is safe from the kids and their accompanying “stuff” that just accumulates.


I’m trying to re-claim my clean house. My children are trying just as hard to destroy it. Since there are significantly more of them than there are of me, I’m losing and it makes me cranky.

That’s pretty much what’s going on around here. Oh, and
-Abby’s home sick
-Max won’t let me put him down unless he’s sleeping
-I have two little boys coming over this afternoon so their moms can work at the school
-I’m trying yet again to get some batts made for my etsy shop and have encountered setbacks. But I’m persisting
-I want to go to sleep

Yup, that’s it.

One Response to “I haven’t even touched the shawl”

  1. Donna Says:

    All I can say is, I hear ya.

    That my kids choose the moments they do to demand attention makes me think they have sensor to detect the exact moments that I can’t give it to them. And why my house can’t look like a Pottery Barn catalog is a mystery that I’ve finally figured out has to do with the fact that we live in it. Darn.

    Carry on.

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