Wed Mar 17, 2010

Loved to death

“It was on accident, mom!”


Somebody really, really, really loves his hand knit socks.


It’s a bit sad, as these were my favorite of the three pair I’ve made for him. Apparently, they were his favorite, too. They were made from remnants of 2 skeins of Koigu.

I have another sock started for him somewhere that needs to be ripped out and started over. I have no idea where it got off to. But it’s not Koigu, and nothing feels quite like a Koigu sock.


(Added later)

I just handed Clark another pair of socks to wear so we could go out and he said, “No, it’ll make holes in it.”

“That’s ok. We’re supposed to wear our socks. If they get holes, I’ll make more.”


4 Responses to “Loved to death”

  1. allison Says:

    That’s certainly the sign of a well-loved knit!

  2. Jean Says:

    awe that is so cute!!

  3. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    You need to learn how to darn them! Those holes aren’t very big, and it’s not that difficult to do. More of a weaving technique than a knitting one, but well worth it if you can keep the socks wearable for a long, long time. I took the class at Sock Summit, but I’m sure there have got to be directions somewhere online for that.

  4. Anna Says:

    I used to darn socks for my mother when I was a kid. She taught me by using something a bit heavy, round and smooth that I put inside the sock to give it a form while I sewed up the hole. I don’t remember what I used initially. I’m sure my darning wasn’t pretty to look at, but at least the socks were still wearable. At some point, she bought me a marble (I think it was marble) egg to use. I think it is still in my sewing box that is in her attic. Since it’s just about Easter, you might be able to find one. And, it’s really sweet that Clark didn’t want to wear another pair because he didn’t want those to get holes too!

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