Sat Mar 19, 2005

Health Group- week 40

Good morning! I had a pretty good week. Not perfect, but significantly better than the last several weeks.

Monday- physical therapy
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday- 50 minutes of treadmill and physical therapy
Friday- I had physical therapy in the morning, and was gone the rest of the day. No exercise.

I’m happy with that. Tuesday, I wanted to DIE, it was so hard to exercise. Wednesday was fine, and Thursday I felt fabulous. I think the exercise helped me through a difficult week. I intend to exercise today, but first, I’m going bra shopping. You envy me, I can tell. I’m sure from my pictures it isn’t any great surprise that I can rarely find a bra that fits me. Nate is trying to get me to agree to an appointment at a specialty bra place. I’m resisting. I don’t entirely know why, other than my one experience, shortly after Veronica was born. I went to the hospital to be fitted for a large nursing bra. It was expensive, no surprise there, and the next day when I looked in the mirror, I was sagging to my stomach. This did not please me. I spent the rest of my nursing time using my regular bra.

Today is different because I am not newly postpartum, but the experience left me feeling that if I get a bra that really “fits”, I’m going to grossly sag. I’m not yet willing to resign to that. I’m fighting it. Anyone out there with any experience in this ought to nod knowingly when I say that good lift is the difference between voluptuous and dumpy. I know that I feel 50 pounds prettier when they’re up.

Ok, that was potentially Too Much Information. Right, so…..

Woo-hoo! Good week! However, I’m running out of time before my birthday. Although I’m not officially changing my birthday goal, I’m preparing for a compromise. Right now, I’m hoping to lose ANYTHING by my birthday.

How’s it going? How’re you doing? What are you eating for lunch?

8 Responses to “Health Group- week 40”

  1. Elspeth Says:

    I had a pretty good week (for me), of course I’m eating poorly today and I weigh in at WW tomorrow morning! Since I had my 3rd boy (do your girls like younger men?) about 6 mos. ago it’s hard to find time to exercise and since I’m so tired it is hard to eat well. But I figure every little bit helps.

    The nursing bras suck. I only have found one that is even remotely supportive, so I have about 7 of them. Luckily it is the relatively cheap one they have at Target and other stores.

    Anyway, keep up the good work. I’ m sure you’ll be more able to exercise soon and get to your intermediary goal. I dropped the ball and now my birthday is next weekend so I gues I won’t be back to my prepregnancy weight by then!

  2. splatgirl Says:

    Yay for you! The value of a good bra is seriously underrated…. and the more you have, the more magical (and important) putting them where they belong becomes.
    Better, cheaper, healthier and much less psycho than plastic surgery.


  3. jen Says:

    I TOTALLY understand the importance of good “lift.” I’m 22, a C cup (boo hoo, say the DD and E cups out there, but at 5 foot nuthin and child-sized framed, it looks HUGE, I promise), following a rebellious teen aversion to brassieres, I *sniff* sag. a lot. push-up wonderbras put them where they’d be had I listened to my 2 best friends when they warned me my rebellion would come back to bite me in the butt. I can’t fathom how different they’ll be once I give birth/nurse my kidlets…

    all that to say, I feel your pain, denial, and resistance. And Target has some *really* great bras, un-grandma, even in the bigger sizes.

  4. Amy Lu Says:

    Try another specialty shop, Laura. When I was nursing I went up *5* cup sizes. I was an “I”! (if you can sing the alphabet backwards, you know I wasn’t tiny to begin with) Yep, one had to sing a third of the alphabet to get to my size. Anyway, I had a great experience being fitted. And it makes a huge (not pun intended) difference to get a great fitting bra. (worth every penny)

    If you don’t have any luck, email me and I’ll get you the phone number of my shop. She’s been known to mail 5 or more bras for you try on and then you mail back whatever you don’t want. They have one called “the suspension bridge” that can hold up anything (grin).

    Good luck!

  5. Elspeth Says:

    If you’re looking for an exercise bra, my friend who is a DDD (I think that’s what she said) swears by her Enell. When I get back into my permanent bra size I’m going to get one myself. They’re at

  6. Dani Says:

    Having nursed four kids myself, I know how difficult it is to get postpartum breast to look sexy. The mass means very little without the youthful firmness, so you need to get a bra that will simulate that. I have no suggestions because I am trying to find a good bra myself!

    My week was OK. I stuck to my eDiets plan all week, but I didn’t exercise once. Still, I lost 2 pounds as of Thursday (my eDiets weigh-in day). If I can lose 2 pounds a week I will be happy. Slow and steady wins the race!

  7. Laura Says:

    Dani- I would LOVE to lose 2 pounds a week. If I’d lost 2 pounds a week, I would have made my birthday goal. As it is, if I started losing two pounds a week now, I ‘d still get pretty darned close. Congratulations!

  8. Tink Says:

    Oh your so funny!!!!! I loved your post, believe me you are not alone. I just love the blue yarn you are using, I’ll have to read more to see where you got it. Hope you are doing well on your diet or new way of eating, I am fianlly in the 140’s believe me when you were a size 1- a 5 most your life and you get up to 190 something at 5’2” that’s a big deal for me, it has taken me 3 years and thats a OK with me, I’ll be happy to lose 10 more lbs in the next 3 or 4 months. Well hang in there( sorry for the pune ) Lv your site. Tink

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