Thu Apr 1, 2010


Do you know what I’m doing? I’m posting! On my “new” iMac, which is really Carol’s old iMac. We’re buying it from her. I am very happy. Her husband dropped it off last night, and yesterday, my computer wouldn’t even power up. Thank heavens for Mac and their “time machine” feature. All we had to do was connect the external hard drive to the new computer and everything moved over.

I’ve lost track of how many times Carol and her husband have helped us out. Good friend award!

Thanks, guys.

I’m also very excited because my mother-in-law has signed up to take the rug braiding class with me in June! Provided her strength is back and her chemo treatment is wrapped up by then. And my mom is going to meet us down there to play with Max during the class. This will be so much fun.

I carded another Green Tea batt, spun and knit it yesterday. I think I’m going to go for it, as in, call it good and card more for my etsy shop. I’d like to get a few more colorways up at the same time, so I have some dyeing to do. And some pictures to take.

This weekend, aside from being General Conference (so excited!), is also when we get to celebrate Clark’s and Abby’s birthdays. Busy, busy. We’re having a family potluck tomorrow night that I need to get ready for.

Kids are off school tomorrow and next week is Spring Break during which Abby and possibly Liv want to have birthday parties with their friends, and Veronica wants to sew a Betsy Ross flag for a book report. I’m tired already. 🙂

2 Responses to “Mwahahaha!”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Congrats on the new Mac!!! Bummer that we’ll miss the kids bdays. Have fun!

  2. carol gilchrist Says:

    Happy to help! Looking forward to being able to do more hanging out post baby and move!

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