Tue Mar 22, 2005

Happy birthday, Sam!

My brother turns a year older today. I think he’s turning 24. So a very warm, happy birthday wish goes down to Central Oregon.

Here at home, I’m with a sick baby.


Yep, the kid has a fever, the shakes, and a dry cough. Poor thing. It looks like we’ll be spending a lonely Easter, because I’d imagine it’ll make it’s way through the ranks.

So yesterday, during the quiet of the afternoon, I took a little nap, knit a little on Vogue Cable Cardi,


and took a picture of the last of my plied, handspun skeins.


Oh, did I tell you? I honestly can’t remember if I did. The physical therapist told me that spinning was most likely aggravating my condition. How’s that? Aside from being generally annoyed, I’m choosing to not think about it right now.

7 Responses to “Happy birthday, Sam!”

  1. Sue Says:

    Argh! No fair! How come all the fun stuff is bad for us?

    Maybe you can come up with an alternative spinning mode that involves small children doing lots of the physically aggravating stuff! 🙂

  2. Vampy Says:

    I’d tell the therapist that she’s aggravating your condition… but then I can be a little bitchy like that 😉

    BTW I got my valentine in the mail!! Thank-you so much 🙂

  3. Lea Says:

    Oh, I’m sorry you’re stuck at home with a sick little one – that is so not fun! I hope she’s feeling better soon! BTW – love the colors in that handspun!


  4. Lynne Says:

    Hope the kid gets better soon. Your spinning is just lovely.

  5. Laura Says:

    Isn’t it cool that we share a name, and I share a birthday with your brother? Ok, got a little over excited there…but it’s my birthday too! =)

  6. froggy Says:

    oh i hope she is feeling better real soon.

  7. carrie Says:

    That handspun is lovely! Aggrevation be damned – you’re too talented to not spin! Hope your little one feels better soon.

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