Mon Mar 28, 2005

I’ve got nuthin’

I don’t have anything interesting to say today. Usually, when I face this situation, I start a post saying as much and suddenly, stuff starts coming out as if my fingers are connected to a different, much more intriguing brain than mine. Not today. Today, I am dull.

On the plus side, I’ve lost another couple of pounds due to illness (I’m not throwing up, I just can’t eat), and upon wondering if “that kind” of weight loss would affect the fit of my pants, I happily discovered that it does. I know it’s only temporary, but still, losing 6 pounds in a week and having loose pants is kind of fun, regardless of how it occurred. I hope that losing 6 real pounds will make that kind of difference, but I somehow doubt it. These pants are really loose.

The girls still have fevers. I’m too tired to knit. My IME is today, and after it’s over, I intend to stay in bed for the rest of the week. Getting up for my attorney meeting yesterday was almost more than I could bear, and today will be much, much worse. More time out of bed, more stress. I need sleep.

5 Responses to “I’ve got nuthin’”

  1. Gina Says:

    LOL — the bright side of sickness — weight loss! Good for you for finding the silver lining, but do feel better soon.

    Your Cable 8 Cotton Fleece is gorgeous! I’m going to check out the color options around town. I just might join the knit-along.

  2. Rebekah Says:

    I was ill like this a few weeks ago. It was awful!!!!!! I didn’t even know one could be too sick to knit until then. I am sending you a ton of get well wishes to you and your family!

    On another note, I STILL haven’t gotten my yarn for the Cable-8 Kal. Being sick really put me behind, too.

  3. FYRKRKR Says:

    Hang in there! We’re all pulling for you!

  4. Barbara Rita Says:

    Hi Laura,
    Got to be strong today, hope that all works out to your satisfaction. Do the IME and then get your well deserved rest. Trust that all will be alright in the end.
    Hope you feel better soon.

  5. Dani Says:

    Oh, it sounds like you’re still in the thick of it. I hope you get better soon.

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