Thu Apr 14, 2005

It’s Friday, it’s knit-along day, and I’m on vacation

Wow. While I haven’t exactly mastered the laptop and iPhoto application, I feel pretty darned proud of the progress I’ve made. Now I need to figure out how to post 30 pictures of beach romping without eating all of my bandwidth. (If anyone knows how to do this, please tell me).

Cable-Eights- I brought my yarn, pattern, and cable correction to the cabin with me and fully intended to start on it. I forgot, however, that I don’t have the needle I need. I have a 16 inch circular, size 11 bamboo needle which I used to swatch with. I need a 24 or 36 inch circular. My LYS didn’t have one when I went to get it. Hence, neither do I. Anyone have any progress to report? Rebekah started hers and is having a bit of trouble. It was really pretty before hitting the frog pond.

We’ve had a great time up here. The weather is insane. On Wednesday, between torrential downpours and hailstorms, we managed to find a nice sun break to head to the beach. The beach is rocky and littered with barnacle covered sea shells. Abner had fun romping in the canal.


The girls combed the beach for treasure.


Nate found a live mussel. I missed the masses of starfish we usually see. It must not be the season. I am not remotely familiar with the habits of sea life.

It does not take long for Nate to get cabin fever, so on Thursday, after witnessing a rather wild look in his eyes, we headed out. We stopped at the A&W restaurant in Port Orchard and had root beer floats and a “family sized” tray of fries and onion rings.


I’ve been knitting a bit on VCC, of course, and I did some Mother’s Day knitting. If you aren’t related to me in a Matronly capacity, you have my permission to continue reading.

5 Responses to “It’s Friday, it’s knit-along day, and I’m on vacation”

  1. Dj Says:

    Flikr is an option for pictures. As well as Photobucket. Both allow direct linking.

  2. Janell Says:

    I’m finally done with my Cable 8. It is heavily modified though with a v-neck and short sleeve added.

  3. Lea Says:

    Looks like you’re having a wonderful vacation – even Abner! And what is that advertised behind you in the picture??? Nothing but one of my all time favorite foods – CHEESE CURDS!!! Culver’s finally came to town here and whenever I need a cheese fix, they do the trick. Of course they also mess up my points for the day, but hey – ya gotta slurge once in a while, right? Enjoy the rest of your vacation!

  4. FYRKRKR Says:

    Hey, if your LYS didn’t have it, you should have called your LKF to see if she did… I would have loaned you one.

    I understand about the Mother’s Day thing, but after a while you’ll want one again for someone; it is pleasant to pick one up and make one. People do love them. Have you tried one? They are fabulous!

    Great to see ya’ll having so much fun! Glad Abner was so good for you!

  5. Niter (Anita) Says:

    You can also sign up for a 60 day free trial to .Mac and upload the pictures directly via iPhoto (using the homepage button).

    I am a bigger fan of Flickr for just photo uses, but .Mac has other features. Might as well try it out!

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