Sat Apr 23, 2005

Health Group- week 45

I did the best I could this week. I ate better than I have in a long time. I did 50 minutes of treadmill on Tuesday and Wednesday before I got sick again. This time, the offending illness is a head cold. Last time, it was in my chest with flu symptoms, so at least it’s something new. I guess. I weighed in at 222 this morning. That’s better than the 224 earlier this week.

How are you doing?

I bought Tahina last night so I could make Hummus. I’ve only eaten Hummus, like, once. I had it for the first time last weekend, and it was yummy. I’m thinking that it could be a good, new food for me. I know it has a lot of fat in it, but it’s good fat. The bit that I read on the internet said it’s really healthy. Mmmmmm, hummus.

5 Responses to “Health Group- week 45”

  1. Sandra Says:

    Well, hummus – I love it. But since you have weight problem did you ever consider “switching” on to macrobiotic way of choosing ingrediences, preparing food and eating. Not that you will not have medical problem, you will be also very slim and full of energy

  2. Liz Says:

    I finally lost again this week… woohoo! Love Hummus, too… so good for you!

  3. Tink Says:

    I am sooooooo happy 4u!!!!!! Just keep on keepin on, you are doing great. I had alot of problems with being sick so I started staying out of the night air. it works for me, I was so sick of getting sick, now I don’t get sick as often. Hang in there, and be good to yourself. Tink

  4. Dani Says:

    Good for you, Laura! You’re doing great despite your illnesses. Keep it up!

    I haven’t done so well, but as Scarlett would say “Tomorrow is another day!” I finally got my mp3 player, so hopefully it will be easier to make myself take that morning walk each day. As for eating, I’ve been making excuse after excuse for why I am not taking advantage of the salad bar at the work cafe. Now I am desperate enough to give up my preference for a hot lunch and give the salad bar another shot.

  5. jae Says:

    Hummus doesn’t need to be fatty. Sure, there’s oil in the tahini, but you can omit any other oil and just add more water. Maybe you have a good recipe, but just incase, here’s mine (you can double or triple it as needed):
    1 cup chickpeas (canned or cooked)
    1 clove garlic (roasted garlic gives a mellower flavour than raw)
    1 tbsp. tahini
    1 tbsp. lemon juice
    1 tbsp. flax or olive oil (optional)
    1/2 tsp. sea salt
    a few twists of black pepper
    water as needed (at least 1/4 cup)
    2 tbsp. chopped fresh parsely (optional)

    Toss all ingredients in a blender and give it a whirl, adding more water as necessary (be careful not to let it get too runny though!). Will keep in the fridge for at least a few days.

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