Mon Apr 25, 2005

Well, it started out good

Yesterday was a beautiful, warm, sunny day. Gayle and I went to JoAnn’s and picked up a few things to get her started making her own stitch markers. We had a great afternoon, and I made many more really neat markers.

Last night completely sucked. We came home late from playing at my in-laws’ to find that Abner had been very, very sick while we were gone. I don’t know WHAT the idiot got into, but it was awful. It took an extremely long time for the both of us to clean it up. I had to bathe him. We were up very, very late. I have an early Physical Therapy appointment this morning. Despite the fact that he was contained in his kennel, I wanted to torch the whole house. It was that disgusting. I’m not over it yet. I don’t have much else to say right now. I’m tired. I hate 2 1/2 year old adolescent golden retrievers. I never want to have to touch anything disgusting ever again.

I hope your day is lovely.

4 Responses to “Well, it started out good”

  1. hayden Says:

    That sucks. Really sucks. Poor you, and poor Gayle (and poor Abner, being so sick). I hope your PT appointment goes okay.

  2. Niki Nelson Says:

    Yeah, cleaning up dog puke really sucks. My 6-yr-old Lab still does it on a regular basis…particularly when he decides to eat a dryer sheet that has slipped by me. The best is when they go outside, roll in something dead, eat it, and THEN come inside to promptly throw it up! You have my sympathies.

  3. FYRKRKR Says:

    I’m so sorry my dear! And just yesterday you were saying how much better he was behaving. Although vomiting is not mis-behaving, he probably wanted his mommy home while he was in the midst of the projectiles…sorry, poor little huge-guy, anyway, it is very frustrating.

    You might also want to have some Pet Mess Clean Up by Nature’s Miracle on hand for the future. It does a good job of solidifying wet messes so you can shop vac them up. Much easier!

    I promise to try really hard not to remind you of this post when you decide it is the right time to become pregnant again. And I had a lot of fun yesterday, thanks!

  4. Patti Says:

    My friend’s older teenage son takes care of their neighbor’s dog when they go on vacation. He’s done it twice and I don’t think he will again. The dog utterly freaks out when the owners leave and gets horrible diarrhea and somehow gets it everywhere. The last time entailed carpet shampooing and washing the WALLS. And this kid is a cat person. Though I have to admit my cats have done some pretty creative things with hairballs . . .

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