Sun Nov 14, 2010

Sweet little neck scarf

I’m about half done with the main part. I blocked it last night, so it’d lay nice and I could see it better.



You can’t really see them, but there are clear, iridescent beads all over it. This time, I’m making the scarf with a snowflake stitch pattern instead of the catspaw I’ve done in the past. It’s a messier looking stitch than I anticipated, but it’s still pretty. I’m planning to spin some silk for a smooth and shiny edging which I’ll knit onto the top and bottom only, not the sides. But I haven’t decided yet what color to dye the silk. Probably a very dark blue, but there’s always that part of me that thinks, “no, RED!”

The yarn I’m knitting with came from a little pile of baby alpaca top I’d test dyed in a couple shades of sky blue a long time ago that I happened to come across the other day. I can’t remember when I dyed it, or what I dyed it for, but there was almost an ounce of it. I added enough white, undyed alpaca to make a full ounce, and blended it together into rolags with my handcards to spin. It took two hours to spin the singles, and probably about that long to ply. So a satisfyingly quick little project.

And as usual, this was intended for me, but as I’m knitting it, I keep thinking of people to give it to. That’s why I’ve knit so many little shawls and neckwarmers, but continue to not have one of my own. I always give them away.

One Response to “Sweet little neck scarf”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    OOh very pretty!!!! Go with the dark blue for the edge. I would keep this one for yourself!!!!

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