Thu Dec 16, 2010

Gift Boxes

I’m so annoyed. Everywhere I go Christmas shopping, I intend to ask for a gift box, and continue to forget. I haven’t remembered once. Now, I know that stores don’t give out gift boxes like they used to, which is also annoying, but I have all these things now that I have to find garment boxes for. I’m going to have to go to Fred Meyer to buy some I guess.

So annoying.

But, that aside…. Nate and I went out on Tuesday and got a good start on the Christmas list. And this morning, I had such a nice time shopping for the kids, just me and Max (and a baby-pacifying butter cookie or two). So, I’m not done yet, but feel quite confident it’ll all come together. (Once I buy the stupid boxes).

I don’t have a clue what to get Nate. Any ideas?

One Response to “Gift Boxes”

  1. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    I’ll bet Rite Aid has gift boxes also… The place I remember getting some super cheap was Bed, Bath & Beyond, but that was a long time ago. I hardly ever get out to those stores now that we live over here. Phil has this crazy thing called a Kill-A-Watt that measures how much electricity appliances are pulling from an outlet. Seriously, he has it plugged into the outlet with our tree lights and tells me daily (because it’s fun, not because he’s annoyed) how much we’ve spent on Christmas lighting… I think we are up to $2.12 now. 😉 Yeah, fun huh? Such a guy thing!

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