Thu May 5, 2005

Who knew laundry could be this fun?

I decided early in the day yesterday that I needed to do laundry and make bread. Both of these chores require keeping up with, meaning I needed to spend the whole day on them, but I’d have frequent breaks. So I also decided that if I did both of those chores, I could spend the down time in my chair, feet up, and knitting. Considering today is Knit-along day, I should have worked on Cable-Eight. But I didn’t.


It’s getting bigger! The picture is rotten, I know, but trust me that it’s coming along nicely.

So, who’s got something? Where are the Cable-Eights? Or, if you don’t have anything, follow my example and share your excuses!

I see that Rox has made progress on a lovely green one.

Anyone else?

No Responses to “Who knew laundry could be this fun?”

  1. frances Says:

    My mother always says that a poor excuse is better than none (she’s a teacher, and has received much amusement from some of her students’ excuses). So here goes:
    I haven’t received my interweave yet! I subscribed waaay back in September and have never received an issue. Not one! I’ve called them so many times they know who I am without looking me up, and they have resent all of the missing issues, but I still haven’t gotten them yet. Sigh.

  2. Katie Says:

    Hmmm… I haven’t really worked on the Cable 8 for a few weeks. I could say I wanted to finish my shrug and then started a shawl for my mum, but I think I’ve actually been putting it off because I know my crochet needle is packed and in storage until we move to the house. After the move, I’ll probably take it out again and finish that second half.

  3. Jessica Says:

    It’s growing so fast. Nice job.

  4. Suzy Says:

    Oh…that is lovely. It’s going to be a beauty.

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