Tue Jan 11, 2011

Music vs. Housework

I’m having a hard time balancing housework and songwriting. Songwriting is rewarding and fun. Housework is not fun, and only lasts for an hour or so ’til the savages run through and destroy it again.

Hmmmm. Tough decision.

But if I ignore it too long, I get grumpy with the mess and heaven knows no one ELSE is going to do it. So I guess it’s time to switch back over to “housework” mode. Dangit. I don’t want to.

And while I’m procrastinating, I’ll tell you that I have a number of new songs I’m starting to work on, having just finished 2. My short term goal is to get a group of songs done and ready to be submitted for copyright. I think 6-8 will be enough. I had 8 in my first group.

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