Tue May 10, 2005

Cleaning takes too much time

Yesterday was not my friend. My darling girls drove me crazy, I had to clean lots of things, and by the time I got my exercise in and dinner done, that was it. Mom needed to remove herself from the house.

Before I prattle on and on about my difficult day (feel free to skip it and move on to another blog), I will show you the little bit of fun I had.


This just doesn’t get old for me. I love it. The top set is really lovely. You can’t see it, but the beads have a slightly greenish tint to them that looks quite striking with the copper wire. The bottom set look pretty close to the photo.

Now, on to my yesterday- I won’t give you the play-by-play, but I’ll select a choice few examples of what drove me nuts.

Veronica spent what felt like a full hour asking me why she couldn’t call Hannie, her very imaginary friend. She wasn’t talking about a pretend phone call. After 30 or so times of trying to be polite and considerate of her feelings, I finally had to say that she couldn’t call Hannie because Hannie isn’t REAL!!! I didn’t know what to expect at that point. I certainly wasn’t expecting an impish smile and then an argument about how because Hannie lives in a pink house with a roof, she ought to be able to call her. What do you say to that?

My girls are the type that can’t say anything without expecting and demanding some sort of a thoughtful response. If they feel like saying that the plate is green, they’ll repeat it 500 times until I say, “yes, you’re right. It’s green. What a smart girl you are.” A full day of this type of conversation and/or mental interruption can drive a woman mad.

I made every possible effort to have a nice dinner last night. I anticipated every scenario I could think of and had half of the kitchen on the table so I wouldn’t have to get up the usual 50 times during dinner. It didn’t matter. Veronica decided she had to wash her hands, but is incapable of turning the water on and off herself. Abby refused to tear apart a tender chunk of pot roast with her fork or fingers, and needed it cut for her. Olivia insisted that she absolutely HAD to have her roll before eating the beef and asparagus on her plate. Abigail burst into tears when I told her the A-1 was all gone. It went on and on. I fully acknowledge that none of this is exceptional, or out of the ordinary with children, but I just couldn’t take it last night. So half way through the very nice dinner I had made, I announced I’d had enough and took my plate to the bedroom, sat on my bed, and tried to enjoy the SILENT company of Ilsa and Agatha, my two beautiful and appreciative fish. It would have been enjoyable had I not already passed the emotional point where enjoying myself was no longer possible. Then I left for awhile, commiserated with my wonderful friend, Celeste, and returned after the monkeys were in bed.

They are good girls, but yesterday, their exuberance exceeded my strength.

And so it was yesterday. But I am better now. I wouldn’t be surprised if you aren’t convinced at this point, but I am better.

No Responses to “Cleaning takes too much time”

  1. Jenny Says:

    Boy oh boy, do I ever hear you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Many people ask me if I’m anxious to become a grandmother, and I have to say no!!
    I’ve adored my four children all along, but I am still not over all of that stuff!! People think I am weird when I do not long to hold someone’s baby. Sorry, I have no desire. Yet. I imagine it will all fall into place one day. In the meantime, however, I am glad that mine are old enough now that there isn’t too much fussing. (yes, there is still some.)Keep in mind that every one of my kids nursed beyond three years of age, so you can see I really put my all into their childhood!! Oh yeah, but my husband IS anxious to be a grandpa! That’s because all he has to do is admire and return the little darlings to someone else, ahem.

  2. kerrie Says:

    Days like that happen too often here, its the little things that usually you deal with that occasionally push you over the edge. Not good. I hope today is better for you.. take care

  3. Karen Says:

    Laura, It makes me feel better to know that I was in good company yesterday. I have one 2 1/2 DD and not three like you and I was at my wits end yesterday. The bad days help us enjoy the good. Here’s to the good days.

    BTW I used my stitch markers from the Valentine’s Day giftie thing while I was knitting my minisweater, aka boobholder. I love thinking that they traveled accross the country to live with my knitting stuff. Take care.

  4. kc Says:

    Whew! Sounds like my life, but I only have one! Can’t imagine three! :}

    Something that works for me when my daughter has to call her friend – we use her play cell phone or I unplug our phone and let her use that. Sometimes our real cell phone too (just turned off). She talks for a while and then moves on. Don’t know if that will help you next time your little angel has to call her friend, but it may be worth a try.

    And why are dinners always so difficult? Do our little angels instinctively know what buttons to push, and when to push them, and when to just beat the crap out of them? I admire you for taking a break (and dinner) in your room. I find walking away helps me best too, especially when all reason and logic have departed and we’re down to 3 year old logic (where “logic” is defined very loosely).

    Hang in there today – hopefully it will be better! :}

  5. Michelle Says:

    My son went through a stage where he talked about his other (imaginary) mommy all the time. She, of course, allowed him to everything I didn’t. One day, my good college buddy with no kids had it and told my son that she would take him to his other mommy. She drove him around and around following his “directions” to this other mommys house and finally they found “it”. They got out of the car and rang the doorbell, but alas the other mommy had moved. So they drove back home and he never talked about his other mommy again..lol.
    When I read about Hannie, I remembered this story. Love the pink house part. Is that not the dream of so many little girls? 😉 I know that sometimes just taking a quiet break and breathing helps more than anything.

  6. Emily Says:

    It must be something in the air! Spring Fever maybe? I have 3 boys who are about the same ages as your girls and they are really pushing me to my limit lately. Hopefully today is a better day!!

  7. Katie Says:

    Yes, I know what you mean… My nerves tend to get frayed toward the end of the week if I haven’t had a break. There’s only so much you can take sometimes. The other day I put my two-year-old’s shoes on to go out and then decided I needed to use the toilet real quick before we left. Of course, he’d taken the shoes off. Then, after I put them back on, my 8-month-old over-filled his diaper… and guess who took his shoes off while I was cleaning up that mess? Did I mention I was running late for my chiropractic appointment? Anyway, later that evening when my husband came home and I’d got dinner on the table I told him I just needed a break and took a short walk. Sometimes I just need a few minutes to gather my wits again, other times it takes a whole evening of knitting. 🙂

  8. Suzy Says:

    I hear you…you’re better, but it sounds like you need more time for yourself. I sometimes announce that I’m going to bed early…like 7:30-8:00. I don’t always go right to bed, but it does let everyone know that I need some quiet time and that Dad is now their go-to person! My hubby is also good about getting the kids out of the house for several hours on Saturday so I can have the house to myself for awhile…I love that.

  9. Elspeth Says:

    I’ve had quite a few of those days myself. I’m impressed you even attempted dinner. Way too many times lately I’ve done take out or those frozen kid’s meals. I feel like a horrible parent, but then again my DH works constantly so it’s just me to do most everything.

    I also have one talker and one on his way. I am ashamed to say I tune him out if I can because there is so much talking (in English and Japanese, even) but I know I’m going to miss these days sometime, not anytime soon, I’m sure!

  10. Kristel Says:

    Aww, poor Laura! I hope you have had a better day today.

  11. Katie Says:

    By the way, I think those copper/blue stitch markers are beautiful! You are really going all out, aren’t you? I love the ones you posted yesterday though with the green and purple and dark wire. And the grean/pearly ones… I know someone else mentioned those too. 🙂

  12. Amy Lu Says:

    Laura, we could form a support group! I believe there is a special place in heaven for the mothers of 3 little girls! I have one of each, and I think girls are way more draining than boys. Sometimes you just have to get away for a while. Don’t feel bad, I “went knitting” almost every night last week (I can always find someone that wants to get away and knit, last week I found everybody!) Some call them sticks and string….

    Your stitch markers are gorgeous! It’s so neat to see your love for color and beauty spills into all areas of your life, even your stitch markers!

  13. FYRKRKR Says:

    Hope you are having a better day. I would bet that you are. You’re too sweet, even when you “complain” 😉 😉

    The markers are beautiful and you have just re-inspred me, thanks.

    As for the intelligent comments, I doubt you’ll find sympathy here, you taught them to be smart – see what you get for doing that? Ha ha. However, I agree about the repeating 500 times, they never back off. Sorry ’bout that, that I will sympathize with. Did Hannie live in the plastic pink castle on your deck? My mother painted our house pink when I was a kid (I hated it) so we could take her there, but the wicked witch has moved, so I don’t know if she’d find Hannie or not. Perhaps KC has a better idea. Roni can always call me and I could pretend to be Hannie. 🙂

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