Fri Feb 4, 2011

Call for help

It’s amazing more men don’t spin, considering how fascinated men and boys are with the mechanics of it.



This spinning wheel has been Clark’s favorite race car track. He’s spent cumulative hours pedaling while holding a matchbox car on the wheel as it spins. Now Max is taking an interest in moving one part and watching how it makes other parts move.


Action shots…



As diversified as we were 2 1/2 years ago in Nate’s business, he’s lost clients (most have gone out of business) one by one at a pretty steady pace, and attempts to replace them have not been fruitful. This week, his last big client gave 60 days notice.

Nate is a brilliant graphic designer with extensive experience in advertising, magazine editing and publication, incorporating database systems, business efficiency solutions, etc.

If you know of anyone looking for his services, please let us know. Thx.

7 Responses to “Call for help”

  1. donna Says:

    So sorry to hear that La. Mark is going to look into whether there are any options at his parent company. I’ll be praying for you guys.

  2. jackie Says:

    I knoe this may sound trite, but I hve found it true in our life that when a window closes, a door will open…..have faith

  3. Anonymous Says:

    How about posting a pitch of his skills on They have a looking for a job segment where you get so long to post your pitch about your self. I hope things work out for your family!

  4. Diana Says:


  5. Angie Says:

    How unbelievably stressful. Let us know if you need anything. Our prayer are with you.

  6. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    I’ve been thinking about your family a lot lately – I pray someone comes forward with work for Nate very soon!

  7. susan Says:

    Oh, no! I wish I knew of people to send his way. If you’re just looking to buy a bit more time, Volt and Excell both might have semi-relevant temp jobs — I know that’s in no way ideal, but just thought I’d mention the option. Good luck — I hope things work out, and quickly.

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