Thu May 12, 2005

Um, what happened?

I picked up Cable-Eight yesterday in preparation for knit-along day today. I finished the first two skeins of yarn, and decided to measure.


(I know it’s upside down. I tried flipping the picture and it did very bad things with my sense of balance, so upside down it stays).

The sweater is measuring 18 inches across. That makes for a very small sweater. Even thin, I won’t be able to wear it. I have thought about making it for someone else, but I honestly can’t picture it on anyone I know. I’m going to have to frog. What’s the deal? I swatched. I measured. Bah.

On the plus side, it’s really pretty. The fabric is still dreamy, the color is still luscious… And I get to start all. over. again.

Tell me what you’ve got, knit-alongers.

In other news, I’m going to be thirty in a week. Yup, a week from today, yours truly leaves the twenties behind. Forever. No regrets. Well, there’s one, but I’ll probably save that for Health Group on the 21st.

I’m telling you this because I’ve decided to have my birthday party at my usual Friday night location, Columbine Yarns, where I’ve been hosting “Finchy Fridays” since October. Anyone want to come? It should be a good time.

If you think you might come, shoot me a comment or email so I can plan food accordingly, but RSVP is certainly not necessary. It’s a casual thing. We’re just chillin’ in a yarn store.

Oh, and one more thing… no gifts. I have a small house, and way too much stuff. If you are related to me, or a personal friend, and think you will just die if you don’t give a gift, I will happily accept donations to the “Laura Wants a Spinning Wheel” fund at the party. But PLEASE, don’t feel obligated.

19 Responses to “Um, what happened?”

  1. Karen Says:

    Sorry to hear you have to frog Cable 8. It is looking yummy. I had to frog my first try at Minisweater aka Boobholder recently. The second go round went much better. It’s great there are do overs in knitting. Have a great weekend.

  2. Janell Says:

    Don’t FROG the sweater! I know it looks narrow, but the cables are meant to be stretched. Pull it out and measure it again. Also remember the original sweater had a crocheted edge stitch. That adds another 1 inch on both sides.
    Take a look at the sweater in IK, you’ll see what I’m refering too.

    Happy 30th Laura! I won’t be able to make the party but have fun!

  3. Julie Says:

    I am really looking forward to attending your birthday party! Please tell me what food and/or drink I can bring to contribute.

    Are we on for knitting group tonight as well? Who’s gonna join us?


  4. Katie Says:

    I think I already sent you an email, but I won’t be there tonight. I will however, be there for the party next week!

  5. Suzy Says:

    Beautiful! Oh I hate to see that gorgeous piece of fabric frogged!!!

  6. corine Says:

    the cable eight looks pretty in spite of your plans to frog it. happy birthday. mine is tomorrow, and my daughter turns 1 next week too. celebrate lady!
    to update you, i have my cable eight pieces done and just need to seem the shoulders and add the sleeve caps.

  7. corine Says:

    i can’t figure out how to link to the cable eight gals who are in progress…? am i missing something?

  8. Carrie Says:

    Oh how I wish I lived in Washington so I could come to your party! Have a great birthday!!

  9. Lesley Says:

    I was just going to pop in and say that my Cable Eight looks alarmingly narrow on the hanger in my closet, but the cable pattern does allow for a good bit of stretch. I second Janell’s idea, maybe try stretching that baby out a bit and re-measuring?

  10. Skylar Says:

    Don’t frog it…It stretches A LOT and the crochet adds AT LEAST an inch along the sides…It’s too pretty to frog

  11. Jenny Says:

    Whoa! Sounds like fun times for your birthday next week!Too bad I live on the other coast.
    I have given up on getting gauge. I think my gauge depends on my mood, or if I think I’m running out of yarn, or whatever!! Instead, I do a lot of measuring as the project goes along.

  12. ~drew~ Says:

    Mine seems super skinny too, but for the cables to look like 8’s it has to stretch quite a bit. I’m planning to add any needed inches with the crocheted border before seaming. Your’s looks fantastic, btw. That yarn is wonderful!!!

  13. Laura Says:

    I thought I did stretch it out. Well, I’ll give it another good look before frogging.

  14. Kristel Says:

    I just celebrated my 29th birthday this week. 🙂 When I look at my friends who are 30, give or take a couple of years, I feel we are living our best times. Life is calmer and we all seem to feel better about ourselves than we did as teenagers, but we are still young. 🙂

    I wish I could come over and congratulate you in person! I would send you a birthday card, but I lost your address… It was on the Valentine’s package, and I thought I wrote it up, bit seems I didn’t. 🙁

  15. Barbara Rita Says:

    Hi Laura, Don’t frog the Cable eight – its beuatifull and it looks narrower as the cables are pulling it together. I would put it over a pillow or something to give you an idea of the stretch of the fabric. As you are knitting it in the round unofrtunately you can’t add crochet to the side. But you can keep it for when you reach your weight goal and it will then fit beautifully.
    I have more stuff to tell you but will message separately.
    Thank you

  16. Maggie Says:

    Hey there ancient old birthday girl! Happy birthday!

    Making something that doesn’t fit is crushing in the end. We are both the same height (tall) and I have some idea that your bust measurement will probably not get as low as 36″, even at your goal weight. I’m not massively boned, but my ribcage itself is 39.5 without any boobs. Frogging sucks, but it’s better than an unwearable sweater. Add another pattern repeat.

  17. Maggie Says:

    In fact, I just decided I want to make that, a long sleeved version as well, out of my Cotton Fleece instead of the cardi I’m making. Maybe. I’m going to swatch it and see. In the round, like yours.

  18. Colleen Says:

    I agree with the others: it’s just the reverse ease of the cables.

    Left the 20s behind in February. No regrets, none whatsoever. Thirty has been great so far.

  19. hayden Says:

    ARGH! You see what I miss. Thank God I checked the blog today…
    …will check schedule shortly…

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