Mon Mar 14, 2011

I made a slouchy hat!!!

I’m so excited! I’ve wanted two things for a long time…

1. to knit a slouchy hat for myself
2. to knit something for myself from my Tweedy Batts

When cleaning out the wool room last month, I collected odds and ends of browns I’d dyed years ago when testing out colors. I decided to do something productive with them so I separated, carded, and spun them into 3 different tweed yarns, plus a blue. Making it up as I went, I started knitting yesterday morning and came up with this-



and it’s GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS!!! I’m so excited. So now, I want to make Tweedy Hat kits for my etsy shop.



Of course, since I was using old test scraps, I’m going to have to go back the drawing board in terms of trying to dye up more. But I’ve got the blue, the tweed, and the dark brown used on the skinny stripes. And I know and still have at least one of the dyes that I used on the brown wool, and a good guess at the others. So it’ll take some work, but it should be doable. However it won’t be exact so I’m left to hope I can make it work.

In other news, I’m working on posting a new color on etsy, which will bring me to 7. It’s a gray/yellow combination that is really pretty. I’ve knit Liv a mitt with it and have the yarn spun up to knit the other one.

I still don’t know how I’m going to tweed the blue, which is the clean blue stripe in my slouchy hat.

And finally, I sold my first batt! Nate designed a nifty card for me to slip in the back of the package (that truly did not photograph well) and I shipped it off on Friday!


I’m finally doing this.

7 Responses to “I made a slouchy hat!!!”

  1. Julie Says:

    What great news! Your hat is awesome and you must feel so good about selling your first batt. Keep up the good work!

  2. Carol Says:

    Yay! Can’t wait to see more!

  3. Sam Says:

    Now *that* is exceedingly cool and beautiful!

  4. marti Says:

    wow! very pretty. that blue just pops!

  5. Grandma June Says:

    I have never seen a hat like that. It is beautiful. The colors are so beautiful. Luv ya!

  6. sheila ernst Says:

    Very Cute…love the colors, love the tweed!
    Congratulations on your sale…and many more to come!
    Best Wishes!

  7. sue Says:

    Congratulations! Your hat looks fantastic too.

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