Mon Apr 4, 2011

Wow! Clark is 5!

Do you remember when he was born? And the few days afterwards? That was 5 whole years ago? Hard to believe. And I’m an official parent of a teenager now. Abby is 13. That’s not as weird to me for some reason. So, happy birthday to the both of you, my beautiful children!

It’s been a busy weekend, and I’m going to be running around like crazy today, too. I’ll get pictures up later this week.

Thank you for the naming suggestions. I really, really appreciate it. I haven’t decided what I’m going with yet, but it was really helpful and I’ll either go with one of yours, or something inspired by it. So far my favorites are April Showers and Saturday Market… but thanks to everyone for chiming in!

My elbows are hurting a lot right now. I haven’t been playing guitar all that much, but I have been knitting more in the last few weeks than I have in a very long time. This is not a good sign. They really hurt. I’m not sure what I’m going to do about it yet.

5 Responses to “Wow! Clark is 5!”

  1. carol Says:

    Happy Birthday Abby and Clark!

  2. Julie Says:

    A very happy birthday to Clark and Abby!

  3. reader Says:

    Picasso. He had a blue period and a rose period, and your yarn appears to be both on my monitor.

  4. Emy Says:

    happy birthday to both Abby and Clark!

  5. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    Wow, Happy Birthday to both!

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