Sat May 21, 2005

Health Group- week 49

Well, well. Here we are. I am now 30 and still obese. I was going to be grumpy about it, but for some reason, I’m feeling quite temperate this morning. So, onward and upward.

Monday, I did treadmill, weights, and physical therapy.
Tuesday, I did treadmill only.
Wednesday didn’t see any exercise. I can’t remember why just now, but there was nothing.
Thursday was physical therapy only, and cupcake baking and eating. Seriously, lots and lots of black bottom cupcakes were consumed. The shame.
Friday, I went clothes shopping with Olivia and Veronica. I planted V in the dressing room with a Gameboy and O and I scoured the racks. It was a really good time. I baked and ate some more cupcakes, and got ready for the party (which was fabulous, thank you).

Today I have a mild headache, and leftover Doritos and cupcakes, among other things. I’m not feeling too motivated today. Kind of tired from sugar overload and lack of the usual good food that gives me energy. I’m going to go out and play with my family today.

So, not the most productive week, but not a total loss in the exercise category. I always wanted to be thin by the time I was 30. It didn’t happen. I’m a little bugged about it, but not overly so. I’m still trekking along, making progress. I guess I feel grateful for the progress I’ve made, and I’m feeling grateful for the good things in my life right now. I’m happy. I love my family, my dog, and my cute little house. I have excellent friends. My health is improving, and through this trial I am able to help people.

Life’s a journey after all. What would be left to do if I’d reached all of my goals by age 30? I guess it’d be downhill after that, and 30 is much too young to peak. Know what I mean?

How was your week? How did you do? I’m going to go drink some water.

13 Responses to “Health Group- week 49”

  1. Jenny Says:

    Hi Laura! I am still not getting much in the way of exercise…I went to my podiatrist appointment on Monday to find that…….the Dr. wasn’t in!! They re-scheduled me for this coming Monday. After waiting so long to begin with, I was very disappointed. I did lose two more pounds this week, for a total of eleven so far.I was hoping for a pound or so more! That seven pounds the first week made me rather expect fast! results! I am being bad in that now, I find coffee very appealing, and am drinking more than I had been. I am anxious to be at a point where I can ditch my bra-extender, or at least, where someone NOTICES a difference!! However! A good thing is that I have not suffered swollen ankles since starting this diet, and that is a good thing!I have been spending summers covering up my flab and my chub and my swollen ankles. It would be wonderful to be able to wear sandals again!!! I think I’ll go have some water as well!

  2. Jenifer Says:

    Hi Laura … instead of feeling bad about personal goals not achieved, feel good about the achievements that you’ve made … in addition to taking care of yourself and losing 25 lbs so far, you’re taking care of yourself, providing a positive role model for your children in addition to just plain taking care of them, and taking care of your husband as well!! Add to that, being a great knitter. So, celebrate your achievements! I’m 33 now and I know when I hit 30 it felt weird, like I should maybe start acting like a grown-up one of these days … Anyhow, I’m still working on being in my 30’s. 🙂 Take care! PS — did you see that I cast on for my Cable-8? But I’m stuck at the first cables as I’m too lazy to find a big crochet hook that I can use as a cable needle, and I usually cable without a cable needle. But, I’ll start moving on it I think! Happy belated birthday! (PPS – if you can’t eat cupcakes on your birthday, when can you eat them??)

  3. Jenifer Says:

    PPPS (I know this is out of control, sorry) — I say focus on making this next year as good as last year weight-wise … baby steps will get you to your goal!!

  4. Gina Says:

    Happy Belated Birthday!

  5. Elspeth Says:

    I did okay this week, skipping Weight Watchers because I was worried about gaining weight and I gained last week (2/10 of a pound). Then of course I went to tea with friends and tomorrow I have a big brunch. But I did do lots of exercising this week so I hope eventually it pays off.

    I’m glad you had a good birthday — 30 is hard to take, but remember “40 is the new 30” so you can take some 30 goals and postpone them to 40!

  6. Janet Says:

    Laura – You have a wonderful way of looking at things already and you’re only 30! Happy belated Birthday! p.s. You’re doing a wonderful job with your girls. I have 3 girls also and it’s been wonderful (although there are those “moments”). They’re now 17, 15 and 13 and very close. I love being their mom!

  7. Kristel Says:

    I “officially” started my diet about a week ago. I actually lost more than I thought I would, about a kilo (um, that’d be about 2 pounds?), the first week. I’m aiming at a slow and steady progress instead of losing a lot fast. At this first stage I’m just trying to eat less sugar and fat, and more fruit and vegetables, instead of trying to change all at once. We (me, my husband and our housemates) decided that from now on we will have one candy-day a week, so when the kids grow they’ll hopefully also learn not to eat sweets all the time!

  8. yuvee Says:

    Hi Laura, good luck with your diet!! I’ve been on diet on and off for the past few years too. Right now, I eat what I want, and don’t do much exercise too. But I’m going to visit the gym again soon. I haven’t lose any weight for a few months, but at least I’m maintaining my current weight.

  9. larissa Says:

    Happy Birthday! 30 is nothing! You are young and wonderful, and I remember loving being 30. It’s full of possibility and wonder.

    As for health group, I am 36 (to be 37 on 5/26) and am 20 lbs overweight this week, but I am cutting myself some slack since I had a baby 11 days ago 🙂 (He is so cool, btw. What a mind bending experience.)

    My “health” plan, such as it is, consists of surviving until he is 2 weeks old, then adding very gentle walks in until 4 weeks, then some more exercise. After 6 weeks, we become eligible for stuff like mother/baby pilates and when his head can stay up we can use the jogging stroller. As for eating, I plan to get back on WW (with 10 extra points per day for breastfeeding) as soon as I’m able to organize my thoughts.

    Your way of cooking and eating so healthfully, that I remember you described in a post a while back, is inspirational. We get organic produce delivered each week, and we try to finish it by the time the next box comes. It’s like a game, to figure out what to make. But we supplement it with plenty of junk. Something to work on.

    Have a great day!

  10. Katie Says:

    Hey there,
    Had a great time at your party – it was fun meeting some of your non-knitting friends. 🙂
    As for exercise, I don’t think I got any in this week. Terrible, terrible… and I have been eating horribly as well. Well, maybe not horribly, but I haven’t been counting points and pretty much been eating whatever I fix my son for lunch and so on. I have also let my caffiene situation get out of hand again… I’ve decided (again) to stop buying coffee for the house. My husband gets free latte’s at work and I should (should) be able to manage not having coffee every single day. I’m not even enjoying it anymore, I feel like I’m choking down that second cup right now. I need to drink more water also. I can’t wait until we are in our house so I can have filtered water again! So, I have some goals to work on…
    As for you, “Always look on the bright side of life…” which you seem to be doing just fine. 🙂
    Kristel… when my family lived in England we designated one “sweet shop” day a week also. It was a good plan and motivated us to be very well behaved too!

  11. Dani Says:

    I was nothing but a lazy lump this week. I think I exercised once. I’ve stuck to my eating plan, though. I’m making one change a week. I have already improved my breakfast and lunch choices and I am more water than ever. This week’s change is improving my snacks. I like the Change One plan, but I don’t think I am going to see any weight loss until I finish revamping all of my meals because all I am doing right now is eating a good breakfast and lunch, then filling up on junk the rest of the day to make up for the calories I am missing!

  12. Emily Says:

    Happy (Belated) Birthday!! I loved turning 30. I kind of felt like my life was just beginning when I hit 30. 🙂

    As far as Health group? Well last week ended up not being a good one for me. Lots of stress eating at the end of the week. Today is a new week though, and I am going to make a real conscience effort to think about why I am eating before I pop it in my mouth!

  13. Suzy Says:

    Ahhh to be 30 again 🙂 Happy Birthday Laura. My those cupcakes sure look good. Send some this way…ok the recipe at least 🙂 I’m turning 40 this weekend…I could use some of those…lol.

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