Mon May 23, 2005

But, what about the birthday pary?


This is about half of us, and I’m the one in the front on the right. It was a lot of fun. Thanks to all who came, and to the many, many well wishes from blogland.

Nate made another of his famous Miss Finch posters, this one was for everyone to sign.


Cool, no? You know what else? Cher, the store owner gave me 10 skeins of Misty Blue “Angora” by Elsebeth Lavold. What a gift! I was a bit struck by it. Thanks, Cher! And then there were many contributions to my “Laura Wants A Spinning Wheel” fund. More on that tomorrow.

Great party. Great food. Great friends. Thanks, everyone!

6 Responses to “But, what about the birthday pary?”

  1. Barbara Says:

    Its funny to see the American LYS – they are so client friendly – looking at your picture I would guess you where in somebodies Kitchen or so that is how comfortable and easygoing it looks – VERY NICE!!
    Your guests look like they are having a fine time!

  2. jacqueline oliver Says:

    laura, your birthday sounded wonderful. I wish I lived closer to attend but NY is alittle bit to far to travel. The party looked great, a relaxed fun time shared with I am certain many laughs.

    The thirty’s are great years. Enjoy each and every day!


  3. Jenny Says:

    Woo-hoo! Who’s that foxy lady on the right?
    You look fabulous!

  4. LeAnne Says:

    Which store is that? I’m coming to Seattle in two weeks and don’t have a lot of time…which ones do you recommend?

  5. Katie Says:

    Yea! What a great photo!

  6. Lee Anne Says:

    How fun was that birthday party???!!!!! What are you going to do with the beautiful angora? I’m an envious gal right now…I want to move to Seattle!

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