Sat May 28, 2005

Health Group- week 50

Good morning. This week wasn’t stellar, but I was working on some things that I’ll talk about later.

Monday & Tuesday, nothing.
Wednesday- treadmill and physical therapy
Thursday- physical therapy
Friday- nothing
Today- probably nothing as we did some yard work this morning, and now it’s hot outside and I’m tired. Plus, we want to take the kids out and do something.

So, not the best week, however it is a step up from how I finished off last week. I’m done with cupcakes! That’s a VERY good thing. I ate waaaaaay too many of those, and it continued into the first part of this week. The remainder of the week I spent my exercise time looking into something exciting.

As you know, my car was broke into a week ago. This cut significantly into the birthday money I was going to use for a particular spinning wheel. To make a long story short, because it isn’t that interesting, I’ve decided to put off the spinning wheel a little bit and buy a juicer.

I’ve wanted a juicer since last year sometime. I can’t remember when exactly it happened, but I woke up one morning with the thought that I needed to be drinking wheatgrass juice. It was the weirdest thing. I’ve only ever had the stuff once or twice in my life, and I don’t know much about it at all, but I think it is something I need to do. I looked into it last year, and the timing wasn’t right for a number of reasons. Now, I think it is time. So I went here and ordered my juicer. The Omega 8005. I am sooooo excited!

I have plenty of hard red wheat, which is sprouting now, and I get to plant it later this afternoon. I have some soil, though I’ll need more. I have growing trays. I bought a book. With the expert help of my internet shy friend and neighbor who shall remain nameless, I’m getting a composting worm bin set up for my kitchen scraps and wheatgrass mats.

I’ve wanted to do this for SUCH a long time, and it’s finally happening!

I know that some of you are thinking that I’m going over the top, but this feels right to me. I don’t think this is the “missing link” that is going to kick start my weight loss or anything, but I think it will significantly improve my health and energy. I can’t wait for my juicer to arrive!

I was reminded this week about one of my favorite lunches, and so I’ve started eating it again. I don’t remember if I’ve told you all, so I thought I’d pass it along.

Vegetable burritos-

Flour tortillas, whole wheat are good but not necessary
chopped fresh broccoli
chopped fresh tomatoes
small amount of shredded cheddar cheese

Make burritos with the above ingredients, secure closed with a toothpick, leaving both ends open, and bake on a cookie sheet at 375 for 15 minutes. Mmmmm.

Now, admittedly, they sound gross. When my friend Lara told me about them, I had NO interest whatsoever. They sounded dry and yucky. Wrong, my friends. They are super amazingly delicious, easy, and healthy. A feel good lunch!

I’ve been drinking a lot of water, and I’m doing good. I forgot to weigh myself before eating this morning, so we’ll have to wait ’til next week to see where I am.

How are you doing?

7 Responses to “Health Group- week 50”

  1. Cher Says:

    That doesn’t sound gross — it actually sounds delicious! The tomatoes keep it moist, and the cheese gives it nice flavor.
    If you get bored with the flour, spelt tortillas are a nice substitute.

  2. Dani Says:

    Not so good. My weight still hasn’t budged. I know that lack of exercise is the missing link, but I am having trouble motivating myself. I exercised for about 45 minutes total for the whole WEEK. However, I got a new Bollywood exercise DVD from Netflix today so perhaps that will keep me interested for a couple days.

  3. FYRKRKR Says:

    I’d call this week neutral. My clothes feel looser, which is the positive. 🙂

    I did water aerobics on Monday (and would have on Wed if the class wasn’t cancelled.) However, Wed night, I woke up with excruciating pain in my left hip, knee, ankle and foot. Primarily the hip. This is the bad knee that the Dr said “just don’t walk or stand on it for 6 months” (Yeah, right!) back in March. I reinjured in Chelan last week.

    I am ready to move FORWARD with exercise, not have more things holding me back!

    The juicer is cool! I wouldn’t necessarily have thought of “wheat grass” to juice in it, when there are so many more normal things, but Laura, you always are a surprise! Can’t wait to check it out!

    Have fun composting! I can’t do it, between the smell and the creatures… more power to ya!

  4. Elspeth Says:

    I wish I could say my clothes felt looser! I was too worried to go to WW last week and this week I just couldn’t make it so I don’t have a definite number but I did eat poorly this week. But it’s frustrating because I have been going to the gym religiously since Easter weekend, at least 2 x a week, usually 3 so am I really eating more? My friend says I look different but you’d think that would mean my clothes fit differently. Anyway, good luck to everyone else, and have fun with the new toy (juicer)!

  5. Jenny Says:

    Hmmm…..never heard of wheatgrass before, but anyway, I’m allergic to that sort of stuff.
    I lost another 2 pounds this week, for a total of 13 so far. I was finally able to ditch my bra extender, hurray!!! It was ready to fall apart, and I was determined that I would not buy another.And!! This week, for the first time in many years, my watch did not pinch my wrist!! Usually, I fiddle with it all day, trying to get it not to bite me. I saw the podiatrist, and received a shot in the toe, and changes to the orthotic in my right shoe. The pain is definitely less, but not gone yet. I go back in a month. I am past the first three weeks of the diet, so I am able to choose items from the “B” list now. What is funny is, many of the items from the “B” list didn’t excite me. I can now fit into some nightgowns that I bought a few years ago. But, so far, no one notices.

  6. Maggie Says:

    I hope The Wheatgrass Endeavor works out well for you.

    I’m down another two pounds myself. That makes a total of four in over a month, if we’re counting. But I’m not sure it’s really lost, if you know what I mean. My weight fluctuates a couple of pounds within a single day sometimes. I’ll check again in a couple of days and if the scale still shows it gone, I will accept that it’s gone. 😉

  7. Katie Says:

    Ooh, Laura, a juicer sounds like fun! I’m sure I’d be making all sorts of fruity drinks in it though if it were me. I love making smoothies in my blender. But, I know wheatgrass is super-good for your metabolism and if you like the taste of it, I say go for it! It is also very easy to grow. I grew it in little paper cups with my classroom last year and the kids just loved watching how fast it grew and “cutting the grass” with their scissors. We had a taste test and made a graph of who liked it and who didn’t. 🙂 It was very cute. It is also quite decorative… my mother-in-law used it to put color in the art gallery. She mounted a gutter on the wall, plopped in some soil, and planted it right there!
    Congrats to all who lost weight this week. Now that I’ve moved into the new house, I’m hoping to get back on track. At least I got plenty of exercise yesterday moving all those boxes!

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