Wed Aug 24, 2011

Blooming Babies

My good friend in CA has invented something cool for babies.

Check out this baby bath!

We’re wrapping up the summer with a bang! A couple camping trips is all, but it should be really fun. The kids are anxious after a laid back summer to get to school and rub shoulders with their friends on a daily basis again. And Clark is going into Kindergarten!!! Wow! If anyone is still actually reading my blog, I know it’s been less than exciting the last couple of years, you probably remember seeing the cute little baby pictures when he was born 5+ years ago.

I’m of two minds about school starting up. The quiet time will be nice, but it’s also been nice having them around and having no schedule to keep. My goal in September with what free time I end up with (half-day kinder seriously cuts into having a big block of time to work with) is to get my 9 latest songs recorded and sent off for copyright. Then, I’d like to write some new stuff. It’s been a few months at least and I’m ready for some fresh new material to play around with.

3 Responses to “Blooming Babies”

  1. kathy Says:

    I’m reading your blog I was when he was born. Wasn’t that only 5 mins ago? good luck on your 1st day as a kindy kid clark!

  2. Julie Says:

    I’m still reading! Your friend’s invention is great! How smart!
    It is hard to believe that Clark is going into Kindergarten already. Time flies!
    Enjoy what free time you get, and good luck getting enough quiet time to record songs!

  3. Jessica Says:

    Oh NO! Say it ain’t so!!! They just grow up too quickly. I’m having a horrible time dealing with Chris going back to Edmonds to college…but Clark already in Kindergarten???????????????? Where does the time go?

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